The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> this and that

this and that
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 5:32:39 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I wonder..if the Muslims hadn`t beaten the Romans out of Syria, Egypt and Iraq...would the Romans have killed every last Nestorian heretic Church of Ther Easter who refused to be won over or killed to their brand of Christ Inc? When Constantine made Christianity the religion of the empire he had to have met and killed a lot of didn`t just happen overnight with no fact the second emperor after him, I think it was the second, Julian The Apostate, a saintly man, tried to reverse the trend and go back to jolly paganism...but it was too late, the damage was done.

I know for damn sure had the Romans won that region they would have included it in their Dark Age and the light of BetNahrain would have been snuffed out for good...but Islam saved the day and took that Light and nourshed and cleaned it off and got it off its knees and took it round the world...coming back with it later to educate Europe when they`d had enough of god.

The Romans were notroious for not being tolerant...they hanged you for saying you didn`t believe in god..and that only got worse when they became Christian..that`s when they REALLY began killing Christians..heretics I mean..which is what all Asstians were.

The Arabs however were tolerant of Christians and it just could be that what "saved" Assyrian Christians wasn`t Christianity...not if the Romans got their hands on them..but Islam...which chased the Romans away and seprarated the warring sects who then as now were hell bent on killing each other..for the greater glory of Christ.

How do you like that...Asstians were saved by ARABS!!!


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