The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> to all christian thingies...

to all christian thingies...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 21:54:26 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: there any way you guys could advertise for some new blood? No offence, but the competition is getting decidedly thin and even more shallow...if you can believe that. What am I supposed to do to keep us all entertained if this is all I`m going to get?

I mean you want me to hold Aprim up for the entire fight? Hells bells the guy just realized Iraq was filled with MUSLIMS! Jassim didn`t know a democracy meant majority rule..he thought it meant "triangles to go". What am I suposed to do anyway?

Can you hire someone? Can you maybe tape two ot three of them together? I don`t know..Hanna says one "Assyrian" is worth ten thousand other warriors..I sure hope you guys don`t fight like you discuss...or you`re in deep shit.

I appreciate the few new names you found..these champions...gunslingers..or bullslingers are a step in the right direction...but like any male sex partner, they shoot their wad in two minutes and hang limp for days and weeks at a time after that. Can`t you boys "get it up" for "Assyria""...and keep it there for ten minutes? Are dildos your best shot?

Is this best the "Assyria" has to offer? Every time you guys venture out on the internet highway, you get run over. Is there nothing you can catalogue you can turn to where they carry finer stuff? Is all I`m likely to get is Sears catalogue "Assyrians"? Are none of you guys in "Sharper Image"?


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