The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> to the asshole kanna

to the asshole kanna
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 4 2004, 22:57:47 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"The mayhem was a replay of earlier scenes in Iraq as angry crowds celebrated the blood of US soldiers spilled and jittery soldiers fired in the air. "

...five more Americans ammunition fried down side streets to "discourage" jubilent young Iraqis cheering on American spilled blood....and this is while the U.S. is there and "shtrong". Naturally they vowed to get revenge..and just as naturally the Iraqis will get some too...and the cycle will continue and it will escalate when the Americans leave...and whom do you suppose will be the stand-ins for the Christian Americans? Did you really remember Simele?


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