The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> tragedy in Iraq...

tragedy in Iraq...
Posted by Dusseldorph (Guest) - Tuesday, June 22 2004, 0:38:45 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

ROOTERS: Flash!!!

Tragedy struck in a village in Northern Iraq when a man said to have arrived 24 hours earlier was killed when he fell from the foundation of the house he was building. Neighbors said the man appeared in their village without warning the previous night and proceeded to bang on doors and rattle the latches. Abdul Hamid Wullah said he and his wife, Fatima, were awakened at about two in the morning when the man entered their home unannounced. “I opened my eyes and there was this man standing in our doorway….I asked him what he wanted and he said…”I`m home, get out”! My wife threw a shoe at him and he left before I could do anything”.

By morning several others had similar stories to relate and all were wondering who the man was. Later that afternoon he appeared again with a ladder authorities say was supplied by the “Assyrian Aids Society”, an American organization helping Chrstians for the last several years. The man leaned the ladder against a tall walnut tree in the garden of Yousef Alli Muhammad and proceded to climb.

“I asked him what he was doing in my yard” said a distraught Mr. Muhammad…”he said the entire village belonged to his family 3000 years ago and if no one was going to give him back his property he was going to build in the air” .

Muhammad said the next thing the stunned villagers knew, the man climbed to the top of the ladder and then stepped out into space with a bucket of cement in his hand he`d mixed earlier. Mrs Yousef ibin Yousef said the people were too stunned to move at first…”He just stepped out into the air, like he was standing on the ground. I turned to Bassima, my neighbor and shouted Djin! Djin!, that means devil. He just fell all the way down and the cement spilled all over his broken head.”

Neighbors were too afraid to approach the dead man until police arrived an hour later. The body was moved to the nearby Christian church for burial. Authorities discovered that the man was an American Christian who`d left Syria several years earlier for Chicago. Identification on the body indicated only that the man had a single name. Authorities will release a description later today to aid in alerting his family. The man`s name was Mr. Jajo

Rolph Dusseldorph
Hamburgerburg, Germ.


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