two brothers... |
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- Monday, May 31 2004, 23:09:14 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...both lived in of them was a star athlete and scholar, the other never bothered. Both of them worked waiting tablers at a restaurant to bring money home...Being Christian they were at times reviled by the ignorant. This would hurt them both, but the athlete and scholarly one would immerse himself in studies...where he would learn of the regularity of people`s abusive behavior and how universal it was...and of course about the good that is in people as well. And he revelled in the cheers of the fans and friends who came to watch him compete...the victories and close calls being especially sweet when he defeated those who would torment him. The other brother bristled at the insults tossed his way....he came close to losing his job several tiems for being rude to customers he accused of slighting him. This brother had no interest in his studies and cared little for athletics, except to watch and shout encouragement at his brother. One was popular with the young women the other never seemed to prosper in that way. Then both were told one day that they were of Assyrian descent. The more successful of the two thought it interesting and skewed his studies in that direction more and more, delighting in the history of the people..the other brother became morose and moody...his hostitlity to the Muslims who "stole" his land became more pronounced..he disdained to serve them at the restaurant or did so with such ill will that he lost his job. The priest in their neighborhood took an interest in the young man and many a night he would tell him and a handful of others of the glory that was Nineveh...of how they had all turned to Christianity on realizing it was the only true religion, especially for Assyrians. Soon the brother joined up with a group of others such as himself and they took to speaking out in coffee shops about how their land was stolen out from under them and they deserved to have it back...they called Muslims theives and usurpers and had some scraps along the way. Soon the police came knocking and accused the brother of lighting a fire at a mosque and painting on its walls.."Go Back To Arabia" and "Assyria for Asyrians". The other brother spoke up for him...said he was young and foolish at times but meant well. Then the small gang joined others and they printed up leaflets to distribute all stating the same "facts" and the police came again for this was against the law. No evidence could be found until one day the leaflets were discovered in the other brothers schoolbag, put there by his brother as a way of avoiding detection for the police were watching him closely. The innocent brother was arrested and sent to trial. His parents and friends were sure he had not known and had nothing to do with those sorts of activities. The guilty brother agonized for his brother faced hanging. But in the end he kept silent because he said to himself, "I have important national Work to do..I am needed for Assyria and for Christ...all my brother does is read books and play sports...he is lazy and has no appreciation for important things..besides, he is a traitor to our Assyrian name for he never joins in demanding our country back." And so the one brother was found guilty and hanged..and the other came to Chicago where he continues doing national Work to this day. --------------------- |
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