The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> what can you say?

what can you say?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 3:59:17 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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the boys don`t believe the nonsense they write themselves..the more outlandish the statement the more they like it...the point is to drown everyone else shout at your mothers and children till you give up and go home...this is the kind of warrior they claim is better than ten thousand others...but they do us all a favor..we`ll hang them with their own dics...

"Saddam looks nothing like an Assyrian. He is an Arab who is descended from the Arab clans that conquered Tikrit during the muslim conquest and drove out the native Assyrian population northwards toward Arbil.

There are no Arabized Assyrians. There are no muslim Assyrians. Deal with it."

...right...1300 years ago and this turkey knows it for a fact. The absurdity of these claims of their`s mirror the most absurd one of all..the one they hope no one notices..that they can`t possibly be anything but Christianized Arabs...YOU deal with it.


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