The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> what`s I say...

what`s I say...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 6 2004, 1:06:36 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: comes some advises on what Asstians should do right I said...Christians believe in martyring others...

What must be done now

Posted By: Mike (
Date: Saturday, 5 June 2004, at 4:29 p.m.

All efforts must be turned to securing Assyrian now!!!

We must call now for an Assyrian militia to protect our Assyrian villages and towns and people from the onslaught of the Kurdish movement.

Please respond.....

Time is running out. Without security, North Iraq (South Assyria) will remain ##### forever...

...just what the Muslims needed to hear...a Christian militia is going to "protect" something called an "Assyria" a Native American Militia trying to protect Manhattan...that would really stand a chance.

Do you get the feeling this guy is desperate to create some martyrs over there? Do you really think he thinks there a chance of such a thing happening...DOES anyone remember Simele..or could it be that they prefer Simeles to nothing...that a Simele gives them grounds to excite you suppose their entire identity, being based on Christianity and those bogus stories about how mothers oferred to have their children killed for Jesus...are really what the boys prefer...that they know and know it well that there`ll be no hospitals and schools..and no enclave..but that the only way they can "Be" to get themselves killed as Christians.

Do you suppose they WANT a Simele? Why not...they NEEDED a Calvary...



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