what would happen if... |
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- Wednesday, June 2 2004, 15:06:30 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-30.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...Iraq had decided 20 years ago to shut down all oil production except for the country`s own needs? Say they decided to revert to date farming and learn to get by on a lifestyle they could provide for themselves without shipping out a single barrel of oil. You`d probably have America having to hunt around for some pretext to invade and make them FREE or Democratic. You`d probably have American media pointing out that in Baghdad an Afro-American couldn`t get a fair trial..that Blacks were being jailed in higher numbers than whites...or any and everything they could dream up so they could go liberate the oil wells and install Saddam Hussein..or another from the collection they keep at Langley. Who believes this crap any longer? Besides that Asstian scholar Fred Aprim? --------------------- |
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