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=> wheee the people!

wheee the people!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 26 2004, 16:58:04 (CEST)
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Written by UNKOWN AUTHOR on 26 Jun 2004 04:22:13:

As we are getting closer to the Presidential elections come November, I just want to give my thoughts on why the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party headed by their front man ex vice president Al Gore who insists on bashing our President George W. Bush.

..."on why" WHAT? Methinks the rest that`s to follow is as shallow...

Al Gore said that President Bush betrayed the American people by lying to them about the ties with Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda even though there is ample evidence confirming that Saddam’s generals and Al Qaeda had meeting in Iraq in the mid nineties and that they had a training camp south of Baghdad named Salman Pac. Al Gore’s old boss then President Clinton confirmed that this was the case. such thing. You have to remember that these unknown authors are Christian Extremist apologists, which is fine by them because their extremists are better than the other gus`s extremists..all these guys on all sides think nothing of lying out loud because it`s in a GOOD cause. That`s the trouble with having god on your feel morally justified in doing anything and saying anything, no matter how blatant the lie or the crime. If what he says is true they wouldn`t drag Bill Clinton into it..they`d use any speeches Bush made that could be CONFIRMED...but since we know Bush is a confirmed liar and they know no one will believe him, they can`t very well rely on his they think by showing you Bill Clinton`s name as a`ll be won`t ask for any independent verification.

..had there been the slightest hint of such a thing they`d be hammering it over and over because the lies are so palpably out there for all to see..not that it matters except this guy knows come election time and the adds run thick and fast the Dems are going to use Bush`s own lies and horrendous gaffs against him..this is by way of getting youdoubting the evidence that will be put before your very you can come to doubt yourself..which is when they sneak in.

Now we have a new spokesman by the name of Michael Moore who put out a fakumentary on how George Bush was in bed with the Bin Ladens etc.

...he isn`t a new anything. He`s been around for years with well researched documentaries...which, as he said himself, were all carefully vetted by lawyers because the last thing they want are lawsuits..which the targets of his shots would be quick to bring if there was the slightest chance they could nail him...Miramax put millions into this film... they`re lawyers are hardly going to open the company up to ridicule, not to mention lawsuits. The Repubs and these Christian bums have nothing to say...they`re threatening to make their own film to "counter" Moore`s..and you know what it will contain..there`ll be flags..children..warm, gooey voices and all the usual distractions and side shows to get Americans to pee in their hearts...while their minds remain unflushed.

This movie or fakumentary got a standing ovation by all the liberals and left wingers, but the funny thing is Michael Moore says that some of the information is made up.

...this is another lie...he never said any such thing. But why would that surprise this Christian? Bush lied outright several times and still is lying..for which people died and will for a long time to come..Moore made a film...he didn`t kill any children.

The liberals who pretend not to hear that indorse the movie like its going out of style. The media and all the major papers play an important role in this propaganda.`s no more propaganda than the lies he White House put out and all the self-serving "news" programs that were written, just as legislation increasingly is written by the very industries our representatives are supposed to regulate and protect us the energy boys who got such a gift from Cheney...whose lies we`ll never know because he won`t turn them over for public scrutiny...yet.

Who played this game real will? Dr. Joseph Geobbles Hitler’s minister of propaganda. He perfected the notion that if you tell a lie big enough and long enough people will start to believe it.

...Moore told no lies...the lawyers for Miramax would have seized on the slightest gray area, let alone an out and out lie of any kind. They made the same noises about Columbine..said they were gonna sue over all the lies and misrepresentations and fakes and all of the usual..and no one ever did...and we all know they`d like nothing more than to be able to pull off a lawsuit. So why doesn`t this guy sue Moore? Surely they have the same money creeps who went after Clinton..come on..SUE MOORE!

I don’t want to get into why it was good or bad that we liberated fifty million people. still believe you liberated the Vietnamese when you murdered 3 million of them. You people always kill people to liberate them and bring them to your fucking god..dead or alive.

I believe full heartedly it was a good thing that a powerful country such as the U.S who carries an awesome responsibility has to play an important role in trying to keep a balance in the whole world, but like I said we can debate this some other time. people don`t make statements like this and slam your doors shut..saying you`re eager for challenges some other time..we have an Andreas who works the same way..he`s always too busy to back up what he has plenty of time to dump.

People who watch CNN, MSNBC and who read the L.A Times, New York Times and the Washington Post who put out this fallacy little by little get their viewers to believe this bias information.

..these news programs he mentions are anything but liberal..and he knows it....just as he knows they`ve about wiped out afree press...never mind a "liberal one. They did it by quietly gutting media market protection laws they claimed would lead to greater freedom of enterprise etc. Now the newspapers are owned by these corporations and used as an advertising arm of their war manufacturing divisions which play a major part in their bottom lines..naturally they`re going to us we`re right and big and good and precise and winning every war anywhere.

These media sources he cites are hardly be liberal these days means to question Bush over anything..or to question their fucking god. By using their names he plants the idea that they are all tainted with a liberal bias so the next time you read an article in one of them planted by the White House or`ll think..."Wow, this MUST be true..because this is a LIBERAL newspaper, like the unknown guy said, so for them to print that "BUSH SEEMS TO BE AREAL CHRISTIAN JUST LIKE JESUS"..means he really MUST be...or why would a LIBERAL newspaper print such a thing? Huh?

They hit every aspect of our lives. "The economy is going nowhere," "Iraq is a quagmire" and "we should have gone in with the U.N. and not along."

...all of which are patently true..and he knows it. Their own trick is to cite the obvious and claim it`s all being exaggerated by liberal outside athiestic dummies. You should have heard these people during Vietnam..same thing and matter how obvious it got the thing was a mess, militarily, though as an economic boost for come sorps it did wonders...still they made it appear that had a small portion of the American public not recognized the obvious and had instead remained as blissfully ignorant and jingoistically joyous..then we would have defeated the Vietnamese. They never wanted to defeat the Vietnamese..that war like this one was won in the waging of was won when the war mongers and liars of that day got a free pass into our wallets because they too were going to "protect us"..they just hadn`t yet enlisted God in this he`s a full participant in the Gang...that`s why they`re lying more than ever and not even bothing to cover up by planting anything after the fact..god`s on their side, they can be as deceitful and murderous as they please.

The truth is we are in an economic recovery in which we haven’t seen such growth in twenty years.

..bullshit. They`re trying hard to get the Labor Department to reclassify hambuger flippers as the "m,anufacturing sector"..becaue they "make" a hamburger. It`s all sleight of hand when not of mind and substance.

The U.N. is caught up in the oil for food scandal so they did not want to be exposed if they went along with the war. Well that back fired and France told Saddam that the French guaranteed Saddam that the U.S. will not invade with out the backing of the U.N France, Germany and Russia. They lost the bet and now they are reaping the consequences. Russia is playing roulette now by saying that they warned the U.S that Iraq and Al Qaeda where plotting to hit the U.S. Putin is trying to kiss up so we don’t embarrass him more then he already is.

..this is pure gobbledegook meant to impress the people who just learned to call French Fries "Freedom Fries"..people so ignorant they get off on just that many big words gathered in one place.....if you had the time to waste you could wade through that mish mash of nothing and point out the flws and idiocies everywhere...after which he`d just say you`re a Liberal and hate Bush, God and decency.

I want to go back to the core of the question. Why does the radical left hate Bush so much and will do and say anything to discredit him. Moore, we use his own words...his own lies...his own ignorance and don`t need to make up anything or put words in his mouth..just stand back and let him go.

I will tell you why. It’s the judges, yes the judges. Let me explain. In the past few months we have been hearing how a rogue judges can over ride the will of the people.

...when Clinton was president these god people stalled and stalled and avoided their duty, because they didn`t want any but religious judges put in place...they are the ones who`ve stacked the courts with unqualified people..whose only claim to anything is that they are fundamentally Christian.

Recently, the sanctity of marriage came up in question., no sweet cheeks. Your phrasing assumes the issue. No one attacked the sanctity of heteros do that all by yourselves..what they said was that marriage should not be limited to men and women only...especially not civil marriages which should not have your god or anyone elses anywhere near them.

The liberal’s want the marriage to be rewritten to say it is between a man and a man, woman and a woman or if you wish a man and a woman. one is re-writing are the ones who want it changed to now say ONLY mena and women. This issue never came up till now..and all Queers are saying is we`d like to get married one is re-writing what you people can do..we just don`t want you telling US what we can do.

Eighty percent of the population if not more want it to stay between a man and a woman. One liberal judge can over ride the will of the people and change laws through out the country.

..the same thing happened with your conservative judges who overrode the will of the people who voted for Gore by apponting Bush over us all. These things happen in our system..sometimes to your benefit, sometimes to the benefit of other AMERICANS. Your battle against full freedom for everybody is doomed to failure...unless you pull a Hitler on us.

One liberal judge who is put in for life by a past president or a sitting president has all that power.

...all you want is more of your religious thugs to have a lifetime of power over us.

The A.C.L.U always gets their cases won in courts not by a jury, but by a judge who acts as a judge, jury and executioner.

...not true at all..they lose seevral cases. They win because those cases are so obviously un-Constitutional..and that is an issue judges usually least when judges knew the Constitution better than the Book of Revelations.

These judges impose their will on us and they can reshape the moral ethical direction of the U.S.

...which is eaxactly what conservative judges what?

Right now there are about three hundred or so conservative judges who are appointed by the President who need to get confirmation by the senate and the democrats keep filibustering their confirmation lead by the top Democrat Leahy so the President’s time in office can run out.

...they probably learned that tactic from the Repubs who were scolded by the Bar Association for letting their religious agenda hold up the important work of government..but since you boys want to impose god on us all..that IS the work of government if you get your way.

Soon Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist of the United State Supreme Court who was nominated by then President Regean to sit in as chief Justice is going to resign in a year or two. Although classified as a conservative, he occasionally shows a liberal view. shoot him. What you mean is that he`s forced to follow the Constitution which yiou boys hate more than you hate Queers, Blacks and Terrorists..because that blessed docyument keeps your god out of our political life and you want to ride roughshod over all of us...and that document stops you cold.

He is known as an excellent and efficient administrator of the Court. Here is a case he had opinion on Roe v. Wade, dissenting. The liberals are scrambling to win the white house so the would be President John Kerry if he wins the white house who is with out a doubt the most liberal senator from Massachussets will pick the most Liberal judge to sit as Chief Justice after Chief Justice Renquist retirement.

..he can pick whomever he that elder asshole Bush picked Uncle Tom Clarence..the most unqualified jsutice EVER! Picking someone doesn`t get him or her boys have your shot at the man or woman chosen just as the Dems do..trouble is you have to question them as their legal qualifications, not the Book of Revelations..which you don`t need to do when you get to pick obviously unqualified people but ones who are up on the Book Of Revelations..what you`re afraid of is obviously well qualified legal experts on the Constiruion whom you certainly can`t fault for that..who you dread all the more because they will NOT bring god into the chambers...but do their duty by the people and our Constituion.

If President Bush gets re-elected he will nominate a conservative Chief Justice and their would be a good chance that Roe V. Wade will be overturned.

..Never happen and it doesn`t matter to you people one way or another. People who kill living breathing children don`t give a damn for a fetus...this is merely the emotional bull you use to get into office so you can cut back on consumer protection laws..clean air, conservation and a host of thinsg that threatened your ability to make all the money you want and leave the mess for the rerst of us to pay for. Abortion is of no interest to any of`s a front that`s all.

The nation will have a major shift to the right and moral ethical policies will go back to the way it used to or stay at bay. All of the rederick

..the WHAT?

coming from the left wing is the main reason why they hate George Bush. In actuality it is not that they hate Bush, it is that they got to try to convince you to hate him and vote against him. People make no mistake, this is a very important time in America. one has to convince anyone that Bush is an idiot...he does fine all by himself. It`s idiots you people`ve spent decades dumbing down American youth so they can chant you into office.

I am not just speaking of Roe V. Wade. Everybody that believes in abortion already accepts it and thinks its okay, one thinks abortion is "okay". Do you think the Sanctions were "okay"? Abortion is a woman`s right to determine her own life, welfare and future. No one WANTS it for its own sake. But it is none of your business anyway.

but I am concerned about other ethical an moral issues such as the sanctaty of marriage and other rights that we have that will be taking away from us in which our country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.

..that`s Judo-Christian. Our country was founded on no religious principles..except that each person had freedom of conscience..there was every effort made to keep you boys from doing what you`ve begun to do, by relying on emotional issues such as abortion and now the sanctity of marriage don`t even give a shit for god either..this is all by way of getting rich with no one to stop you...because to you the people who cite the Constituion are Liberals..those who rely on their and only THEIR God are moral and right thinking..fuck you AND your god.

..the country was founded on the separation of church and state for good reason.

Think about it come November. We have the power to change American policies pertaining to our will being.

..that`s what we were all thinking last least teh majority that voted for Gore. We never suspected that Bush`s brother would preside over the state where the dirty tricks would win his brother the White House..against the will of the majority..but I know how you feel..come this electionw e are indeed concerned about America and we`ll vote that jerk out of office...unless god cheats on his side again.

I am not being overly paranoid. Remember what I said about the rogue judges who can over ride the will of the people.

...judges are not in office to follow the will of the people..legislators are there for that purpose...judges are there to ensure that the will of some people doesn`t run contrary to the Law of the Land..whixch should not be subjest to the whims and moods of the people..not unless enough of them seek to change the Constitution..and the only way you boys have found to do that and do it quickly was to sit back and let the fruits of your terrorist-building campaign bear fruit in New York...and now you see yourselves headed for glory.

The notion of checks an balances is being redifined in front of our eyes. certainly is...but by you...not those who wish to follow the Law Of The Land. I see youooooooo.

Do me a favor, don’t take my word for it…like Ronald Regean said trust and verify. Vote wth you’re concious and may God Bless America.

..of course we wont. Ronald Reagan njever said anything..he too was a puppet and a parrot..the one time he tried to go without a script he shocked people when they didn`t recognize the "Great Communicator". yes indeed let`s hope god DOES bless America and muzzle you Cristian Extremists once and for all.

Preserve the`s what made America..this god business is what ruined Europe till they got wise....leave us not go backwards..they weren`t good old days at all.


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