The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> which is the REAL triangle?

which is the REAL triangle?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 10 2004, 15:28:04 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I see how they`ve worked it all these years. They KNOW they can get nothing..they`ve known it all along. Therefore it would be the WORST thing in the world if they actually UNTITTIED...Their one constant refrain...that they should all speak with ONE really the last thing they want...hence it`s no "mystery" that they can`t come together and instead fly further apart and find spurious and infantile reasons to go it alone...for if they DID would be the end of all this "we are Assyrian" would finally take the air out of their baloons...for even if every last one of them joined together and went to the United Nations and DEMANDSES they be given whatever...they`d be as easily and readily ignored as they are now..with 5678 groups made of three hairballs and a dog, each demandsessing something ever so slightly "different" from the others...

The boys can`t afford to unify...if there`s even the slightest chance they could someone would quickly come up with a "splinter issue"..something so finely honed to appear "different" that several of them would jump onto yet another meaningless distinction and form a group round it.

Now we have TWO triangles. This is great..this is good..this is what Assyria needs...the chance to fracture and fragment so that when the day comes when they get a zero instead of a triangle, they can turn on each other and go on to squabbling some more about how they lost Assyria because YOU wouldn`t join ME... without one of them asking the question.."Guys...even if we`d all agreed on which triangle,,,do you really think we`d have gotten it?" If the answer to that unasked and most feared question in Assyria is "no"...then good-bye Aprim, Jassim, Hanna and the rest of the boys. Their apparent "hope"..what they all "work" for, is supposedly "unity" and their way of going about it has left many a sane person thinking..."are you sure that`s what you`re working for"?...They KNOW it`s unatainable, they MAKE it so... and therefore they can go on "working".

The boys NEED to fragment and`s what gives life to their political clubs and groups and sects and denominations too..for so long as they can point to that at the end of the day, the almost ingrained inability to "unify"..when they haven`t received a single goddamned thing..there`s "hope" for the future..a future in which they`ll all come back again demandsesssing that we all UNTITTY!!!...and again pointing to our failure to do so as being the culprit..the spoiler...NEVER the ridiculous demandssessess they make.

In fact, this very tendency, this almost inbred facility to splinter and fragment could be their ultimate rebellion against the Christianity imposed on them..imposed on them in such a way and at such a time as they`ve come to believe they "chose" to turn their backs on Ashur. It`s as if they`re unsettled in their their some failure or betrayal they can`t recall consciously but that has them at each others throats because they`re at their OWN throats, each of them trying so hard to choke Asur out of if a distant crime done to them has had to me transformed into a willing a woman being blamed for bringing on her own rape..because she was "too beautiful" and was therefore "asking for it".

The Assyrians beautiful a culture as there ever was..have had to explain away their moral degenration by claiming that they SOUGHT it..that they took a look around them...looked at Nineveh and all they`d a beautiful woman surveying herself in a mirror with all her charms and accomplishments radiant and clean..and concluded that they were a whore...that they deserved the smearing and the sliming they get in the Christian the whore, or wife or little girl who has come to believe that it is HER degraded nature that got her fucked...that it was her fault somehow and NOT the MAN!

When Paul Younan relegates Ashur to a perch in hell..he`s really slandering his own soul...his own a whore making light of her wounded sense of decency and revelling in the cash she picks up in back alleys and toilets.

welcome to Christ...the Instituion.


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