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=> zowaa`s position

zowaa`s position
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 8 2004, 15:18:49 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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they`re trying to put a positive spin to the nothing they got. They`ll tell you about their "position" in the new government..the American puppet government. If any of these guys think they`ll be around for long...ah well.

When Tariq Azziz, an Assyrians, was foreign minister of Iraq and representative to the UN...we had somebody in government..who climbed that high as a Christian without American strings attached. But that wasn`t good enough for the boys..he was a traitor...because he isn`t a jackass. Now they have some Uncle Kana serving the Americans and they`re all excited and want to tell you about their "positon" in government. Their positions is bent over...when not on their knees.

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ADM ( ZOWAA ) Announcement

Posted By: ZOWAA (
Date: Tuesday, 8 June 2004, at 12:29 a.m.

Assyrian Democratic Movement ( Chicago Chapter ) Cordially invites you to attend a Dinner honoring our guest from our homeland, Honorable Touma Khoshaba ( Member of political committee of ADM ). Mr Touma Khoshaba will speak about the current political situation of our people in the homeland, as well as the role of our people in the new Iraqi governement. The dinner will be on Thursday, June 17th 2004 at the Assyrian American Association ( 1618 West Devon Ave. Chicago, Illinois ). The dinner will start at 7:30 P.M., and the price for a ticket is $25.00.

Assyrian Democratic Movement


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