Re: ??? |
Posted by
- Sunday, July 31 2005, 5:27:22 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...I know I gave Matay hell when we first met...not because he deserved it but because I needed very much to see if he was for real...I didn't want to count on someone who would turn out to be less than what I hoped...I must say Matay was the better gentleman...brushing aside all my boorishness to keep his eyes on the prize...he won me over completely and I consider him to be as fine a human bean as we can hope to have...I would also add that all of us here are indebted to Matay who made sure we found friends in Holland willing to host this site...when Jackie, her lawyer and XXXX XXXXX were on warpath and trying to shut us down in America, the land of the fried. --------------------- |
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