Answering Ken and Yosep - Part 2 |
Posted by
- Wednesday, February 16 2005, 8:41:37 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Literally every Government leader I have personally spoken with, including some that might become the next Prime Minister have all said one thing - The Assyrian Christians deserve and should have a homeland based on Article 53 of the TAL. I am not sure what the problem is? Nobody is opposed to the Assyrian Christian having a homeland except for the Assyrian Christians themselves! >> I'm the first to confess my ignorance. But I do support our leadership in Athra who have spent the last 22 years fighting Saddam and know all about the tricks and manipulations used by the world powers to divide the Iraqi people and maintain their control over Iraq's oil. They have clearly indicated that they want an administrative region where we can maintain our religion, culture identity etc, NOT a safe haven so that we our peoiple can be set up for Simele 2. This is what is so bizarre! ly in our community do we wake up in the morning and tell ourselves, "Today I'll work on the banjaneh before breakfast, the kheyareh before lunch and damn it why don't I work on that long dreamed about homeland my friends keep telling me about?" Yes, in fact that is the way they talk in Iraq all the time! I live with them, sleep with them and dream with them. >> Children also insist on eating fast food, fizzy drinks and playing Nintendo all day but the parents should know better and have no excuse when they become obese and develop diabetes at age 12. The one consistant point of anger they always say I why the leaders do not have courage to lead them. Last time I went to a hospital I did not have the urge to run into the emergency room and insist I'd perform the next operation as I knew better......but poltically we do it all the time. Yosep with all due respect I thought you were dead. I bet you never even bothered to have nails driven through your hands and feet......although that would explain your garbled typing. David, why do you have to be so mean? Yosip stood in the freezing cold every day in front of the UN where we demonstrated every day. At least thank him for what he did. >> Yosep should've read Khalil Gibran's Reason and Passion. I just do not understand this bizarre Assyrian fetish for attacking each other. It is very, very, very wrong. The enemy is on the other side. >> There is no real enemy in Iraq except for the US who has illegaly invaded and is attempting to incite civil war and delay their inevitable withdrawal after these elections. There may be political rivals such as Barzani and Talabani but we can deal with them politically not militarily. Does this mean that the crucification protest was a FAKE crucification requesting a REAL homeland? And you wanted to charge us $3,000 to boot! It's a good thing I holstered my Mastercard. Why do you guys have to be so mean all the time? In all my life I have never experienced the kind of meaness and unkindness to those who work so hard. It is wrong. >> If he had genuinely crucified himself he would've earned my respect. Since he hasn't he gets my contempt for faking it and making us look bad. I don't agree with everythinig Yosip does, but I respect his courage to do what he did. Have enough repect to do the same. And as for your CRAZEness we want nothing to do with it. Talk to the Assyrians in Iraq - they will all say one thing - we are sick and tired of leader without courage! They are praying for someone crazy enough to stand for something for a change!! Everyone's so eager to die for Assyria why not LIVE for Asyrian but most importantly start THINKING for Assyria at least once in your lives? I have the courage to go into Iraq during the time of Saddam, bring the first relief following the war and stay consistantly there and am going back shortly. How dare you insult us! >> Stop dropping names and manufacturing leaders who support us. Some of us haven't forgotten how during WW1, Wigram from Scotland Yard also came to us dressed as a priest and promised us a homeland. We need to be kind, supportive and good to each other! >> We need to focus on keeping our people alive and help them rebuild. The only thing we should do is support our leadership in Iraq realising that we in the West are very ignorant when it comes to this dark side of politics. >>Thanks for understanding. >>Tawdie, Tiglath --------------------- |
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