"Assyria", "Iraq" , "Earth" what for? Blow it all up. |
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- Sunday, June 5 2005, 23:16:32 (CEST) from - n40.ucce5.uwindsor.ca ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Assyrian Religion? An Assyrian homeland? What for? No one would get along that is for sure! Everyone would gossip about one another, some would be allowed in, some wouldn’t. There would be a lot of jealousy and hatred, people at each others throat, and if everyone didn’t learn one particular Assyrian dialect there would be a civil war in “Assyria”. Let them (our people) leave Iraq …what is it to you…who are you to tell them to stay…are you there? Let them leave their homeland. It is better since those Assyrians including Chaldeans, Syriacs and the rest, do not deserve to suffer the consequences of the mistakes of their brothers and sisters, and fellow humans outside of Iraq. Let everyone leave the “Cradle of Civilization”, and let them blow it all up so that they can erase the truth, that all mankind sprung from that place which all the world seems to hate today, and which no one has the courage to truly defend. People drowning in their religions and their ideas of God, and who he is. What core do I need other then the one which tells me that I am human, and that I should never hate people of other cultures and religions? If I truly believed in justice for all people of Iraq wouldn’t there be another way to do this type of work? Do you think you will reach your goal this way? Why spend all this time and energy countering those who you believe to be wrong with negativity? Can evil fight evil? Long ago in Mesopotamia, God swept a flood over mankind, and not because we had necessarily done something wrong, as the Bible suggests, rather because the “sons of God’s were marrying the daughters of Man,” which enraged Enlil, who probably was the “Jewish” God, and sometimes violent God of the Old Testament. And although mankind was supposed to be wiped out, it was through intervention by Enki, Enlil’s brother that Utunapishtem (Noah), Ziuzudra, was saved. Utunapishtem being a demigod himself, a Sumerian, a brother of the Akkadians and Assyrians: the father of all of humanity. Was it not God who expelled Adam and Eve from the garden and said… “In the sweat of thy brow Shalt thou eat bread, Until your return to the earth, For from it was thou taken. For thou art earth dust And unto earth dust thou shaft return.???? Well we are all going to make sure that we will return to earth dust. We are hard wired to destroy one another and ourselves, and we do this why, for some God? And you ask me why I always talk about Jesus? What do I care if he was even a “God” himself. For a person who was only a “carpenter”, I and all true Christians and people of other faiths know the TRUTH of his words, and that even YOU who complain so much about injustice, would have fulfilled your dream of that new civilization, if your actions mirrored your goals. Isn’t there another way? Yes, there is….but…who gives a damn…..it’s only Iraq. Eye for an eye right? Chapter 3. Divine Encounters. The Three Who To Heaven Ascended ……………”Divine Encounters, as even Humankind’s earliest experiences have shown, can take many forms. Whether in the form of direct contact, through emissaries, by only hearing the god’s voice, in dreams or visions, there is one aspect common to all the experiences thus far described: they all take place on Earth”…………………………….. ………….”All three require accepting as truthful the Sumerian assertion that there had been a developed civilization before the Deluge, on that was wiped out and buried under millions of tons of mud by the avalanche of water that engulfed Mesopotamia. This Sumerian assertion was not doubted by later generations. An Assyrian king (Ashurbanipal) boasted that he could “understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the Flood,” and Assyrian and Babylonian texts often spoke of other knowledge and knowing individuals, of events and urban settlements, long ago before the Deluge”…………………………….. .................”In his heavenly abode, according to the tale; Anu wondered why the South Wind “has not blown toward the land for seven days.” His vizier Ilabrat answered him that it was because “Adapa, offspring of Ea (Enki), had broken the wing of the South Winds.” Perplexed, Anu (“rising from his throne”) said, “Let them fetch him hither!” ………….”At that, Ea, he who knows what pertains Heaven,” took charge of the preparations for the celestial journey. “He made Adapa wear his hair unkempt, and clothed him in mourning garb,” He then gave Adapa the following advice:” “You are about to go before Anu the king; The road to heaven you will be taking.. When you approach the gate of Anu The gods Dumuzi and Gizzida At the gate of Anu will be standing. When they see you, they will as you: “Man, on account of whom do you look thus, For whom so you wear mourning garb?” “To this question, Ea instructed Adapa, you must give the following answer: Two gods have vanished from our land that is why I am thus.” When they question you who they two gods were, Ea continued, you must say, “Dumuzi and Gizzida they are.” And, since the two gods whose names you tell as being the vanished gods for whom you mourn will be the very same two who guard the gate of Anu, Ea explained, “They will glance at each other, and laugh a lot, and will speak to Anu a good word about you.” This strategy, Ea explained, will get Adapa past the gate and “cause ANU to show you his benign face.” …………………………………………….. …………………………… “Adapa, without doubt, also bore the title “Son of Eridu” (Enki’s center). It was an honorific title that signified intelligence and education by schooling in Eridu’s renowned academies. In Sumerian times the “Sages of Eridu” were a class unto themselves, ancient savants of blessed memory. Their names and specialities were listed and recorded with great respect and reverence in countless texts”. ………….”According to those sources, the Sages of Eridu were seven in number. In her study of ASSYRIAN SOURCES, Rykle Borger (“Die Beschwerungsserie Bit Meshri un die Himmelfahrt Henochs” in the Journal of Near Easters Studies) was intrigued by the fact that in respect to the seventh one, the test states (in addition to the name and main call on fame, as for all those listed) that is was he “who to heaven ascended.” The Assyrian text calls him Utu-Abzu; Professor Borger concluded that he was THE ASSYRIAN “Enoch,” because according to the biblical record, it was the seventh pre-Diluvial Patriarch, whom the Bible calls Enoch, who was taken by God to heavenly abode”….. --------------------- |
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