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- Monday, June 6 2005, 15:27:09 (CEST) from - dsl-201-135-96-40.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..teehee. I`ve distilled what is arguably Aprim`s "style"...which in his case is the way he WORKS... >Mr. Aprim may have missed the sentences that immediately preceded the one he quoted which read, Mr. Aprim should have read the interview with more care. ...he didn`t miss them...and not just the ones before but after and all around! That`s the way he does "research". To Aprim someone else`s scholarly work is just the raw material...like a scrabble set almost, from which he mixes and matches and concocts his own "ideas". As to why Mr. Aprim singled out the ancient Chaldeans, belittling their history, is not clear to me. ...to "belittle their history"...to Aprim "scholarship" is a stick with which you beat your ENEMIES! Mr. Aprim continues using the same polemic style to suggest that I “insinuate that the Assyrians are the only ones whose national aspirations are of modern times,” and that “there are certain motives behind [my] unfair claims.” ..that`s him all over" Insinuating and seeing enemies and droppig broad hints and pointing out motives are the ONLY national work these dweebs do. The "book" is just the padding built around this paranoia, it`s the "delivery mechanism",,,like the missle is for the payload he dumps EVERY time!...Aprim, like Jassim and the Rabbits, is CONVINCED he coulda been somebody if NOT for____________ you fill in the blank....but most often it`s filled in by "Muslims"..."Arabs"...."Q _ _ _ S" or ME! ... the late J. Fiey, whom Mr. Aprim cites from a secondary source, but neglects Fiey’s analyses and conclusions. ...of COURSE...Aprim is famous for lifting things out of context..standing them on their head...spanking them silly...painting them red and putting them back "improved". > >Unlike Mr. Aprim’s pop history-style objections, these works are scholarly and devoid of bias. There is nothing for me to add that has not been presented by these well-respected scholars. ...except that Aprim is hoping to somehow slither into their company on the strength of the comic books he read as an adult and the praise and big send-off Wm the Dm gave him and this dismal "book"..who may be having second thoughts about being an instant skolar hisself. > >Mr. Aprim demonstrated his ability to read in two extremes. In the case of the Aramaic language issue, he read a sentence very literally, ignoring its immediate context, and in the case of the Assyrian vs. Syriac identity issue, he read way too much between the lines where in fact there was nothing to be read. ...you GOT him...two extremes with pudding in between. If you were here now I`d throw my arms around you and weep tears of joy down your shirt front. Tanx. --------------------- |
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