The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Ben-lite

Posted by beezlebub (Guest) - Wednesday, July 27 2005, 17:14:13 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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"Not everything that has been written is true. Historical claims only can be believed when they are supported by multiple historical and archaelogical and rational evidences. The story of Abraham and Harran being an Aramean city are contrary to all historical facts."

...okay then...what rational explanation do you for the New Testicles? If you are going to stand reason on its head by claiming Jew flew to heaven and is keeping a warm spot there for you...what proof do you have? Any? such as these are contrary to natural law and everything we have of human experience. If you want to say they are "miracles" then why can't the "errors" in your Old Testicles be attributed to miracles as well?

...If you come telling me that there is a heaven waiting for you above the clouds and that you'll get there when you die and have an even better seat if you eat shit on earth...can i NOT ask for some evidence for this prepotserous claim?

...If you tell me pigs fly on Mars and it's a MIRACLE but they DO...aren't I justified in asking YOU to furnish the evidence? Is it rational or reasonable to tell me that since I can't prove they DON'T...they therefore MUST? You are the one introducing the nonsense...why must I either accept it or prove it to be nonsense? How come YOU have no other responsibility once you've dumped your idiocies on the ground before us? deal in so much bullshit...where do you come off talking about reason and what is rational?


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