Dopey this is a must read... |
Posted by
St. Me
- Sunday, October 24 2004, 0:48:12 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Dopey wrote "Sainty, How is Abortion different than killing 500,000 children in Iraq by U.S. sanctions? How is dying Iraqi children due to lack of medicine and proper nutrution as result of U.S. sanction any different than abortion?" That is the question you must ask yourself. Here is the Apple. You know why we had sanctions on Iraq a long with the rest of the world. It was to bring Saddam to his knees and have his own people over throw him. Okay, we screwed up. We needed another plan. That was when the U.N…if you recall the U.N came up oil for food project in 1996. Let Saddam sell oil in return for food and medicine. Well we all know what happened with that. Two hundred and forty eight companies including five American companies have blood on their hands. Who were the real criminals? Now here is the Orange. What have these innocent babies have done to be killed pre-maturely? Are you comparing both scenarios’ to be equal? Thirty five million till this day. Why don't you ask about them? Yes, ask about the Iraq's ...but what about the ones here? Do you care? Go back and re ask me the question again. Death Camp Madness The railroad platform at Treblinka, where the Nazi holocaust victims were singled out for death, had flower beds that gave the area a "a neat and cheery look." Today, abortion clinics use plants and bold colors to create a "cheerful and anxiety-free environment." An inmate orchestra provided tangos, jazz and waltzes as the victims were dispatched to the "shower rooms" of Auschwitz. Soothing music is piped into most waiting rooms and "procedure rooms" of abortion clinics. According to an Auschwitz survivor, 17,280 corpses were disposed of "per twenty four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and night." According to a former abortionist, "From eight in the morning until midnight, seven days a week, doctors working in ten operating rooms performed vacuum aspirations on an endless parade of pregnant wombs." (Vacuum aspiration is a type of abortion.) An Auschwitz gassing technician stated that, "I had no feelings carrying out these things." One abortionist stated that, "I never had any psychological adverse reaction, except for an occasional feeling that one was destroying life." Introduction A significant number of the instruments required during an abortion, are only used to create a pathway large enough for the actual killing instruments to enter the mother, and her baby to be removed. Those instruments will not be described here. The following descriptions relate only to the instruments which actually cause the death and/or removal of the child. Cannula This is simply a hollow plastic tube that is attached to a suction machine by a flexible hose. In early-term abortions it is used to kill and dismember the baby, and then suck it out of the mother's uterus. In later abortions where other techniques are used to kill and dismember the baby, the cannula/suction machine is used to vacuum out the uterus and make certain that no parts of the baby are left behind. Curette This is a metal rod with a handle on one end and a sharp loop on the other. It is used to scrape along the wall of the mother's uterus and dislodge her child. Forceps This is a metal instrument that resembles a pair of scissors but functions like a pair of pliers. They come in several different styles but regardless of design they are used to grasp, pull apart, and/or remove the baby. Forceps are especially useful in collapsing the skull and making it easier to pull the skull through the mother's cervix. Syringe with Spinal Needle This is a large capacity syringe with a long needle attached. In some abortion procedures it is used to drain off amniotic fluid from the mother's uterus and replace it with either a saline or urea solution. However, its more common use is for injecting chemical agents (digoxin, potassium chloride, etc.) into the heart of the baby. In both instances, these chemicals serve two purposes. First, their use greatly reduces the chance that the baby might be born alive. And second, these chemicals soften the child's corpse and make it easier to rip apart and/or remove. R U a Nazi? RU-468? When the Nazis switched from machine-gunning their victims in large mass graves to marching their victims through gas chambers at Auschwitz, the gas that they employed was a chemical called Zyklon-B. Zyklon-B was developed by a small chemical company owned by IG Farben, a major supplier for Auschwitz and other death camps that funded many of the experiments undertaken by Mengele and other SS doctors. IG Farben profited handsomely because of the increased use of Zyklon-B. IG Farben's name became virtually synonymous with the holocaust and unethical medical experimentation. So, after the war, this company underwent a name change and it became Hoechst AG. However, a Nazi by another name is still the same and, today, a subsidiary company of Hoechst AG is the developer and main producer of RU-486, the so-called 'abortion pill'. The ghost of IG Farben is still haunting us by allowing killers to again distance themselves from their deeds. But Hoechst AG is not the only chemical profiteer in the abortion industry. Borrowing from the IG Farben playbook, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals stock prices doubled when it announced the development of a vaginal prostaglandin-suppository marketed specifically for abortion. (It is no longer on the market, because it turned out to be quite dangerous - not only for the babies it was designed to kill, but also for the women who used it.) Searle, the producer of Cytotec, also saw its stock values surge after its product began to be used as an abortifecient. Using chemicals to kill has become big business for pharmaceutical companies - both during the Nazi holocaust and during the abortion holocaust. Don't let Parhad with his twisted mind try to fool you with his grossed out anti Christian rhetoric. See here for yourself. Do you advocate this? Yes or no? Answer my question like I answer yours...yes or no? --------------------- |
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