Festival of Compassion |
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- Sunday, March 20 2005, 23:30:58 (CET) from - customer-201-133-174-42.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...this is hilarious...I mean the spectacle of Americans "of Christian conscience" getting themselves into a dither over a dead woman some want to keep alive. What a sight we must make. At the very same time we`re murdering innocent people left and right..and just to show the world that "hey, we CARE"...the Congress and everybody else is camped outside Schiavo`s hospice protesting this and that. In every way possible, the woman is dead. And all this fuss over keeping her dead...but above ground...while the murder of innocent Iraqis who never did a thing to America goes on...not to mention the needless and useless deaths of American young men and women...are we great or what? --------------------- |
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