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=> Freudian Slip on Beth

Freudian Slip on Beth
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Monday, November 29 2004, 6:18:22 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

On the Assyrian Safe Heaven


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Arameans on 26 Nov 2004 08:33:29:

I make clarifications because I like my voice heard and not misunderstood.

1- No where I ever claimed that it is OK for Lebanese Shia to have an alliance with Israel while it is not OK for the Maronites. On the contrary to that I am against any Lebanese faction having a client and master relationship with either Syria or Israel. Neither Israel nor Syria has the best interest of the Lebanese people in their calculation.

2- I am critical of some of those who signed this petition to ask for an Assyrian safe heaven because the history of some of the leaders in the organizations advocated and still advocate that the Maronites forge an alliance with the Israelis. History taught us that such approach marginalized the Maronites and forced many of them to migrate out of Lebanon once and for all. I do not wish to see those leaders deciding the fate of the Assyrians in Iraq.

3- I am against the idea of cutting a piece of Assyria and call it a safe heaven to the Assyrian Christians. The only safe heaven the Assyrian can have in Iraq is a Democratic free Iraq, that is not dominated by the Kurds or the Arabs, not dominated by the Sunni or the Shia, not dominated by the Iranians or the Saudis, not dominated by the French or the Americans. The vast majority of the Christians Asyrian and Chaldeans in Iraq are now in Baghdad and other cities, they have nice houses, businesses and jobs and will not trade those for a tent or a small brick house in what you would call a safe heaven.

4- The groups that signed the letter claim to represent certain ethnic and religious groups in the middle east like the Copts and Maronites while they realy have no real represenation. The Maronite Church rejected such extremists, the Coptic Church rejected extermism and working hard gor peace and harmony. I do not wish to see the Assyrian people made look like they are controlled by extremist activist. This image will not serve well the people who wants help.

5- The Identity of the Middle East immigrants in the USA is both Christian and Moslim, Arab and non Arab and that includes Assyrian, Chaldean, Copt and other. The Jame Zoghby Arab American Institute did a good job in working with the community, he is a remarkable man from Lebanese Maronite background. He is not a self-hating Maronite, he calls himself Arab-American. He conducts polls and spend real effort to serve his community. Instead of attacking what he did over the years. Please build what you would call any other Institute under any other name and obtain the public recognition Zoghby obtained for AAI. Instead all those who criticize AAI can only come with organizations that are Extreme and in many cases built of hate and they never had more than handful supporters and members and they never had any public recongnition.


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