I too beg to differ... |
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- Saturday, June 18 2005, 20:07:02 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.ata-cres.charterpipeline.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...Nixon seemed unassailable too and the mind-fuck in Vietnam was far more pervasive than today when we know lots of Americans spoke up early about not going to war...200 million people are not easy to move and it's always easier to go along...which is the reason American schools, being government institutions, are such a raging success in producing sheep and cattle and goats. But the discontent needed something tangible...and the Repubs are scared...they've taken unusual steps to cut off debate and make this whole thing seem silly...the same people say this has nothing new in it who ALSO say they knew it all along...so which is it? But, nothing can happen in America till there is a significant shift in even just a fraction of the populace (which the boys who love to kiss political ass never get through their heads)...enough yound men and women have to die in order for a core of families to want to give some meaning to the deaths of their children...those in Congress critical of the war and press coverage and information outages can do nothing...absolutely nothing unless and until they see some grass roots discontent that is serious and seems to have legs...this may be that moment. You can't maintain this level of lies and deceit, even under the cloak of Jesus, for that long...the contradictions are too blatant and the people who make up our own war criminal class are too arrogant and grow ever more so...having convinced themselves that god is on their side the MORE brutal and extrememe they get..they are sooner or later going to help strip the mask off themselves...as McCarthy did eventually...as Nixon did and as our boys, especially KenFuck do all the time. The sad thing is that so much death and destruction has to be endured bedore we reach that point...that's not to say we won't do it again and again...but the things that prop up THIS bit of rotteness are getting shakier and bakier...you can only call so many grieving parents un-patriotic for so long before people begin to ask what they could have done to be MORE patriotic than sign onto a war that would kill their own children and bankrupt the nation...sure, we can borrow, our credit is good...but guess who pays all that money back...Bush and Cheney? And they knew it all along..knew they were lying and knew they would be found out eventually...but making insane amounts of money has been the lure for an increasing number of American "businespeople" who are not from any old school...these people will indeed sell out the country, the Constitution and their own children if need be...hell, they do it in their "families" and among their "friends" every day of the year. It is this class...this new phenomenom that has dragged Jesus in front of it to obscure our vision just long enough...nothing lasts forever and they knew the day would come...they've just managed to sock away most of it so that when the spigot is turned off it will have been worth it...to them. But they aren't "evil" either...this is merely the logical extension of the basic principle of Capitalism...whose end is not merely to create a business or some social value but to make as much money as can be made in WHATEVER way you need to make it and, for its own sake increasingly. The Iraq war was for money...plain and simple..and we'll do it again and again...but we need to rest in-between and the time to send these people to their room may be starting. That's all...no great lessons will be learned...nothing significant will change in the way we think and behave...we'll still go on destroying the very air we breathe so we can have that enviable LIFE....Americans were never more devoid of the most basic spirituality than today, when they rant about Jesus and kill in his name. The resurgence of an interest in "values" and "morals" and going back to the good old days is the clearest sign of the rotteness at the core...and it won't go away....but, we need to take a break now and then. ....murdering six million innocent Jews for their religion alone took its toll on Christians...then too they needed a break...and now they've rested and awakened refreshed, dusted off Jesus and are going out after Muslims...yes, it's them again..the people who learn perfectlove by playing at cannibalism and vampirism...making the most disgusting criminal acts the world has known the centerpiece of their religion and wondering why they seem to raise increasingly violent and degraded numbers of Christians. 2000 years and more in the making, folks...and their long sought for and dreamed of Armageddon, which can ONLY come when there is rampant violence and destruction...the ONLY way their "dear lord"...the Prince of Peace will come to them...is soon to be upon us, they hope. It is madness itself...but who dares really look at it? --------------------- |
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