Kanna uses common sense |
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- Thursday, October 21 2004, 9:06:54 (CEST) from - 203-173-4-86.dyn.iinet.net.au ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Posted By: Fil (toronto-ppp220014.sympatico.ca) Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2004, at 4:03 p.m. In Response To: Mr. Kana rejects assyrian safe zone (Assyrian) I give up! E-Petition and hundreds of Middle Eastern-American Christians conference and a very sympathetic article by Ms. Nina Shae’s article “Canary in a Coal Mine” who is the director of Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom just walked out of the door. >>> Dear Fil, who asked you people to lobby for an autonomous zone? Shoudln't you be listening to the people who are in Iraq and who have been working to provide security and stability for oor people there? Kanna finally told you all what he thinks of your Assyrian TRIANGLE. Kanna finally told you all to stop your incessant whinging, whining, whimpering and wailing. Accept it and work to have our people accepted within Iraq as a legacy not a liability. Does anyone know who is at the helm of this nation? Sending confusing messages such as these can either be politics of Machiavellian proportion or just sheer stupidity. I wonder on which shelf we hang this one. >>> The parochial and myopic Christian fundamentalist nationalists are running our nation into the ground. Not one of these guys thinks to ask our leadership in Iraq about what they should or shouldn't do. They're too busy imposing their constitutions, maps of triangles and American....I mean Assyrian red, white and blue flags on the innocent people who remain in Iraq. I would believe the shrewdness of such a statement if I was convinced that our organizers do communicate but I have my doubts. I can see the Diaspora working diligently and lobbying feverishly to ensure that our concerns are heard by the world while at home someone, single handedly, is putting a brave face in showing solidarity with the rest of the country. Any rational explanations? >>>Yes, the diaspora nationalists are irrational. Fil === --------------------- |
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