Kant... |
Posted by
- Monday, March 14 2005, 14:03:54 (CET) from - dsl-200-95-119-66.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
....I think it was he who said governments who see their people as means rather than as ends in themselves soon fall apart from the neglect and abuse of their citizens. That`s an interesting thought. When Americans say they have the best democracy, country and lifestyle anywhere and then in the same breath challenge you to point out which African country has it better...completely ignoring the Scandinavian countries and others who have it FAR better...you have to wonder. Americans have a lot of goodies, it`s true. But they hardly own any of them. Most Americans are renting everything they have...renting it from the bank or the credit card company...three months without a paycheck and all the things they thought were theirs are repossesed and they can be out on the street. The thing that has made America truly unique...our Constitution and the promise built within it to give to any freak complete legal dignity is now seen as America`s number one enemy..it`s the thing that allows "those people" to live in your neighborhood, eat at your restautants, join your country clubs, take YOUR job and so on. There are governments, now that I think of it, who seem to treat their people as ends in themselves...not as the wyas and means in which a certain class can profit or secure its standing. The favorite claim of corporations is that they "serve" you, the public..or that they are constantly searching for new ways to serve you...that`s elemental bullshit...they`re constantly on the look out for new and old and revamped ways to serve themselves...you`re just the means by which they do that. Enron for instance was not in the "home heating oil" business..it was in the "we found something you need that can make us rich" business. They could give a shit, or could have given a shit, if you were warm..if you were paying a fair price...if you had enough money to stay warm all winter...all they cared was to make themselves the ONLY source for heating oil and when that was done...in order to "serve you better"...they jacked their prices by creating false emergencies and maintenance problems...wiping out the little money for dog food many elder Americans had...and while Martha Stewrat did her time...the boys of Enron walked. The same with wars only ten thousand times worse. Bush isn`t thinking of any American`s security...he`s thinking of his wealth and the power base of his class...and he`s USING American fears and nervousness as well as the lives of young Americans and the anguish of their children and parents to get at what he wants. ...ah well, let em eat each other. --------------------- |
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