Ken calls for wisdom |
Posted by
- Friday, June 3 2005, 5:38:10 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Dear David, It is great we can discuss like this. Please just keep one thing in mind. I am in and out of Iraq so please use a little wisdom as the things you say affect my life, ok? ..........What???? You just finished misleading foolish Christian Assyrians into believing that the word infidel refers to Christians. You just finished claiming that this had been told to you by Muslim scholars. You just finished using this information to incite civil war between the Christians and Muslims of Iraq....and I'M the one saying things that affect YOUR life????? ........What about you saying things that affect the lives of our people in Iraq??? What about the pictures you published on your website showing the bloody heads of Assyrian chidlren which closely followed Psalm 137:8-9? .......In the year 2002 whilst I was in Iraq I will never forget being pulled over by the KDP police and being taken back to their HQ for questioning. And although they treated me and Doc Sankho with the utmost respect I was furious that I had been stopped for no reason. Little did I know at the time but AINA had just sent out their latest press release telling the world that Mustafa Barzani's father-in-law was a terrorist! Yonadam Kanna confirmed that this was far from the truth of course. Anyway after this little incident i decided to chase up the validity of just the female abduction articles published in AINA. To my astonishment of the 3 articles published by AINA 2 out of the 3 were of Assyrian females who had eloped with their Kurdish boyfriends. The parents of course could not admit this and called it another Kurdish abduction. Of the one incident that was genuine the Assyrian community in Iraq along with the Kurdish police did apply pressure and have the girl released within a few weeks. Everything you guys says affects our people in the homeland. I dont mind discussing any subject, but this one is a bit different in that my life is at stake so a little common sense is in order. I have already had a gun put in front of the car and been dragged out of the car onto the street once so dont need that again. .....Great now you know what your actions, lies and deceit will do to our people who remain in the homeland. Just use a little wisdom in your comments. Otherwise, it is good for us all to talk. Thanks, David. --------------------- |
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