Let's Not Forget Who The Real Terrorists Are |
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- Friday, October 22 2004, 2:47:05 (CEST) from - adsl-66-126-170-148.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...that would be the American Christian Movement. They're the ones that hijacked our election and put this regime in place...they're the ones who used religious symbolism and then lies to get the American people wanting war...a war that was sold as a defensive move to protect us and the world from Saddam and his weapons..when it's Israel and it's American handlers the world fears most. Now we know that only Israel has those dangerous weapons and only Israel is likely to use them...if this latest effort to get Beirut fails. This is an illegal war...that means American soldiers are breaking international law and all civilized precedents to go in and rape and humiliate and torture and kill innocent civillians..and all of it on trumped up charges. But because Bush opposes the law that allows mothers to live....also known as anti-mother's Law or sometimes abortion law...people like Paul, who love a fetus so...will vote for him...so he can continue killing two and five year olds. Don't ask. The terrorists in this war are the American and British and any other soldiers illegally occupying Iraq...they are there because they were told to go...but the Nuremburg Trials made it clear that NO soldier can escape personal responsibility for obeying an ILLEGAL ORDER...and in this case the oder to deploy in Iraq and then go kill people is ILLEGAL. No one expects them to stop...the Nazis didn't. And it's unlikely anyone can make them stop....except the brave Assyrian Freedom Fighters who are merely doing what Americans would if any nation invaded us. The harm that will come from this will be the precednet America, of ALL nations, has set...that any country that can attack any other country for any illegal reason whatsoever is free to do so. For decades the world tried to impose some sort of law and order on the continued slaughter of civillians by nations at war....it isn't easy making nations act in an orderly and legal fashion..International Law is the last place left where out and out illegality can be gotten away with...for a time. The future once again is ripe for more of these sorts of illegal wars....under god of course. --------------------- |
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