Lions , Tigers and Parhad...oh my... |
Posted by
St. Me
- Sunday, October 24 2004, 22:06:31 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
VOICES OF IRAQ "Voices of Iraq," a new documentary that includes words and images of the Iraqi people, will be released by Magnolia Pictures on October 29th, hitting ten cities in the United States, including New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The documentary was filmed and directed by the Iraqis themselves -- thousands of them, from all walks of life, all over their country. The producers, who distributed more than 150 digital video cameras across the country, condensed more than 400 hours of footage into an unprecedented, and startling, look at life in a war zone. "Distributing 150 cameras throughout the country opened a window on Iraq that has never been seen," said producer Eric Manes. "Events that we have previously seen on U.S. newscasts, we now see through a different perspective." Voices of Iraq website offers film clips of this powerful film made by the Iraqi people. After 24 years of silence under Saddam Hussein, Iraqis take advantage of their new freedoms to tell us exactly what they think of Americans, democracy, jobs, war, and Abu Ghraib. They ponder women's rights, the role of religion in government, mass graves, Arnold Schwarzenegger and their future. The Iraqi filmmakers chose whom to talk to, interview, film and capture unawares. By the way MarK Cuban is helping with the producing. Hey Parhad...your god is speaking...all hail Michael Mooron MICHAEL MOORE: KERRY IS #1 LIBERAL John Kerry might say he doesn't like labels... he might be ashamed to be called liberal - even deny he is one, but even his own are admitting who he is... Even Michael Moore: Moore said Kerry may not be perfect, but is far superior to former Vice President Al Gore and this year's other Democratic presidential hopefuls. "There's a reason that they're saying Kerry is the No. 1 liberal in the Senate," said Moore. "It's because he is the No. 1 liberal in the Senate." If Michael Moore is calling Kerry the No. 1 liberal, that speaks volumes don't you think? If Michael says it...then it must be true. Right Parhad? --------------------- |
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