Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott.... |
Posted by
- Friday, November 5 2004, 21:16:44 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |'d think Southerners would DIE before changing Jim Crow...we know damn well they'd KILL to keep it in place...kill, and lynch and beat and himiliate and rape...yes rape, to keep their power over remind them every day and in every way that they are inferior and DESERVE the treatment meted out to them by illiterate White Christians well versed in biblical savagery. You'd think NOTHING in the world could have gotten Whites to change their system all by themselves..without a war or shot fired. And you'd be wrong...cause they did change it and all because of spare change...bus money. When the most courageous woman the world has ever seen refused to give up her seat to a White who was willing enough to sit in the Nigger section when no White gave him a seat...and was arrested and jailed....Black people decided it was time to fight back...with small change...and the great bus boycott was born. And it worked....busses sat idle, the company agreed to capitualte but old Jim Crow refused to give in...refused to change a way of life that was set in concrete...written in the stone of their hearts and heads....but then the downtown started to suffer and suffer for real...Christmass was coming around...Blacks formed carpools and even Whites got in the act and helped...and after almost a year it was over...segregation on buses was over, so too with bathrooms and drinking fountains and so was Jim Crow...cause them Klansmen were right...once you let Blacks FEEL their was over...till you could find a Powell who so hates himself and the color of skin that the damfool actually thinks he's seen just as a "person" THIS Racist country! So damn eager to BE White...not just "pass"...that he thinks others see him as he wishes he was. But the point was witholding dimes and quarters over enough time...a "hallowed" racist, Cracker institution that was Ordained by GOD hisself, was brought to its knees. All it took was the desire and determination...things had to get SO awful, people thought to do what they were never taught was possible...when it became unbearable they did the unthinkable...that had been staring them in the face all along....if Jim Crow can be brought to his knees....Bush is a snap. --------------------- |
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