Pathos or Bathos? Let's call The Whole Thing Off |
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- Saturday, October 23 2004, 5:46:01 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...I hate to hit a kid when he's down...or take candy from a nationalist...but this latest plea to DO SOMETHING from our venerable volcano is begging to be it MY fault? I'm only human...I can't resist THIS much good material... [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] Don't wait for historians to serve you, YOU BETTER MAKE HISTORY ! ...historians "serve" you??? Posted By: Ashur Beth-Shlimon ( Date: Friday, 22 October 2004, at 8:17 p.m. Dear all: Shlama ... It is a fact that nobody could ignor it, we as Assyrian are in a very tense situation. ..this sounds depressingly similar to what you were all saying BEFORE the war...and how we HAD to go to war to end THAT "tense situation". Ladies and gentleme: Don't wait for outsiders to help you and take your case , you should not depend on them, but do whatever necessary to be done , first you have to prove for yourself that you could make changes in your favor and second you build up to be credible in your action which will help you in your indeavor. ...what on earth do you mean? I mean considering whom you're addressing...just what do you expect these boys to do? Have they shown the least intention of DOING anything? And those who have done the Jackster and her bid for national recognition by taking "our" case to Washington...what do you people think you can do..I mean REALLY do? Yes, as united even with our small numbers, we could move mountains and be confident of yourselves don't waver to do the action that you will make a head lines , you may say how we do that , to give an answer , it is very easy to have the MOBILIZATION which I asked for it a week or more ago, and may some of you will ask how ?'re assuming that if you ALL said the same stupid would matter? You have no grounds to base any of this on...your claims to teritory and ethnic status as Assyrians..lord love you...are just so much foolishness that no one has the heart to level with you. NO ONE takes this Assyrian business one, that is, in any position to do anything about it. It should be painfully clear that America will NOT antagonize Muslims unles it's in ways that benefit AMERICA. Where did you ever get the idea America has any interest in helping ANYBODY??? Where...from movies? Ladies and Gentlemen: It is very important to take the following steps to organize that grand Assyrian Forum.'ve GOT forums now...and they all think they're GRAND already. You see what goes on in them...what in heaven's name makes you think a new grander GRAND forum will attract any but the same louts and thugs that make such a mockery of the ones you already have? > Let us have that Conference as soon as possible from our Assyrians around the world to convine in the Middlw East, in Beirut, Lebanon or Qamishle , Syria. ...and who do you think will attend? You know damn well they'll demand special red carpets...speacial know not a one will listen to the other because each knows he is as STUPID as the why should he waste time listening to HIM? > In that meeting we put forward our agenda " The Assyrian Protocol of the 3rd Millenium". ...that's to cry for. Aren't you ashamed of yourself...a grown man selecting these titles like any kid playing at make-believe? WHAT Assyrians??? You are CHRISTIANS...and that's all. You are no more Assyrian than anyone else over expect the world to do something for you based on THIS kind of "case"? No Native American has EVER gotten a damn thing BACK from America and their case is far stronger than your's!!! > We should asign an Assyrian deligation that will have some meetings with the countries sourounding Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and also the Arab League in Cairo Egypt. ...they will? People in those countries want to meet with CHRISTIANS now? With Christians DEMANDSING their rights...when Christians are MURDERING their's??? Are you daft? > That delegation should pay a visit to the European countries, England,France, Germany , Sweden, Italy , Ireland and Spain. ...sure. It's always nice to visit folks. > Such delegation should visit also Russian Federation, Japan China, and India. ..why not...though I wonder who'll pay for all these know your basic nationalist is going to say.."vy shud I paying for der tripz"!!! > The same delegation should visit the U.N. in Geneve, Swetzerland and New York. ...I hear Bangkok is nice this time of year. The purpose will be to make our case known world wide , and how we were treated by the regimes of the area to a point we can't have schools to learn our own language, or to have our own Newspapers and Magazines or T.V. programs .'re going to tell the Muslims THAT? Have you any idea how many indigenous people the Europeans sat on to get where they are? No one wants to be reminded of the very people in their OWN countries who were robbed...disenfranchised and treated as second class citizens. In the same breath with which you tell people to STAND UP and do for tell them to go begging and pleading. No one wants to hear this kind of shabby thing...they never have and they never will...there are far greater concerns on everyone's agenda than your "plight" have a job and a home and are safe....and if you really want to help a PERSON with an appetite and needs and children and fears, you'll try to get them OUT of there...not ask for help to keep them in harm's way for this intangible bit of nonsense you've been giving us headaches over for years now. Finally, this is a very concise , in that GRAND CONFERENCE other people may come up with more brilliant ideas, and I am sure will be a lot. are "sure"? Nothing seems more certain than that they will have the SAME idiotic ideas and carry on like a pack of singed cats. Ladies and Gentlemen: IN THE NAME OF OUR MARTYRS , THOSE WHO SHED THEIR INNOCENT BLOOD FOR OUR CASE AND CAUSE LET US MOVE LIKE A HURRICANE TO MAKE THE ASSYRIAN NAME KNOWN WORLD WIDE. ...cut it out. In the name of those martyrs you want to make NEW ones. If you would stop the killing of innocent people then advocate an end to killing INNOCENT PEOPLE! While the murder of Iraqis goes on unabated and the U.S. gets ready to fire bomb yet more civilian REALLY think anyone is going to give a DAMN thing to CHRISTIANS? I humbly ask our Assyrians in every field to act and to promote such GRAND CONFERENCE FORUM, the Assyrian Radios, T.V. , the Assyrian periodicals and WEBSITES , we need all please make history and you could , DON'T GIVE UP, DON'T DEPEND ON OTHERS BE THE ONE so the others will see your patriotism and will follow you. are a sad, sad man. As an adult you should be ashamed of yourself to speak to us like we are children in grade school and you're trying to get us excited about the big game. You look silly in your tutu and cheerleader pom poms. A specila call to our websites, AINA , Beth Suryoyo Assyrian , Bet-Nahrain , ZENDA and others. Please support our humble call to put ASSYRIA on top of the World, and people world wide will have the message clear as ever that we are alive and vibrant as allways, please let us not embarrass our GALLANT ASSYRIAN ANCESTORS. ...Jesus! Who could embarrass us more than YOU just did? Any Italian...any Englishman or even any American talking like this would be stared at and pointed to and giggled over. Your hysteria isn't impressive...except when you consider a somewhat grown man is carrying on so. Shameful. VIVA ASSYRIA - TEKHE ATHUR L'3OLOM Ashur Beth-Shlimon ...don't do this again. --------------------- |
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