Re: Answering Kenbo |
Posted by
- Monday, February 14 2005, 4:36:41 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...the letter you responded to plus your response are interesting indications of where we have gone wrong every time. We have this thing about being "whimps" and so to prove we aren´t we talkalot and shout and yellalot...but when it comes down to it, we do nothing concrete for ourselves OURSELVES...instead we are forever crying for someone to do somehting for us...and no one has any respect for that. Your analysis of how we have been used in the past...when taken in conjunction with the mountains and gravesites filled with evidence of other damfools who continue to get hoodwinked and cheated by this white man and his smooth lies is right on the spot. When will we learn? We won´t. Not all of us, but then all of us don´t have to. These people who still yearn and scream for an Assyria, when all they mean is a Christian enclave, are of the past..the distant past. The continued dismemberment of that region is something the gringos are all too eager to witness and foster...but people like Ken will forever "believe" and have "faith"...and if you scratch their nationalist front only a little bit you´ll see why...under all this Assyrian nonsense is a hurt and marginalized Christian yearning to have some power...a small place to call his own..a Christlandia. They are raised to believe the impossible and the idiotic--like some Jew carpenter was sent to save the world and they´re going to heaven someday when they die...when people are THAT gulible they´ll "believe" anything...why not believe that Assyria will rise again..why not? You put it in clear perspective very prepared therefore to have your dead relatives called names...that´s the way brave "Assyrians" deal in their own real world. --------------------- |
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