Re: Catch up sometime.... |
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- Sunday, October 24 2004, 18:25:20 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >Farid, > >May I remind you that today, not 3,000 BC, but TODAY, we Jews rule the world? While your beloved "Iraqis" sit in the dust contemplating what to do next with their foreskin, and dwell upon the glory days when they "invented the toilet".....Jews (including the Christian sect) have been ruling the world for the last 500 years sending missions to the moon, jupiter, mars, inventing the computer, electricity, refrigeration, nuclear technology, medicine, television, automobiles, and I could go on and on.'s funny you fault Assyrians for their violence ages ago....though they gave you a start in Life...and neglect to mmention the amount of violence you've used on the world and each other while you basically dismantle civilization, jerks could hardly stand up back then...for every refrigerator you boys build there must be ten graves somewhere...As to Iraqis, they had better health care and education and more money in the bank than Americans when America ruined them....congratulations. > >YOU live in 3,000 BC during the great "toilet" debate, or in 800 AD during the "Assyrian" Islamic empire when they figured out "zero" - cause that >s all they are right now.....a big FAT ZERO.'s not nice to be envious. Do you trash your parents because they lived in the past? You people should be more grateful for those who out of their generosity gave you a start in life. The Native Americans learned too late how Christians respond when you help them...had they been built along your lines they would have thrown every one of you into the sea instead of sharing their expertise with you so you could last long enough to kill them, in gratitude. There's no doubt in anyone's mind what would have been the outcome if things went the other way...any band of Cherokee who landed on Ireland's shores would have been killed outright and probably eaten....had they not welcomed Jews to the New World you people would never have found the resources to build your ships or the precious metal with which you purchased gunpowder and went on bleeding Ehrope would have remained an ignorant backwater had not Islam brought the wealth og BetNahrain to the edges of Europe, in Spain...from where it all spread to the rest of you hillbillies. You are adept at stealing...we know that from 4000 years are good at taking what belongs to others and ramming it up the world's arse...barely 60 years ago you again turned on each other and murdered 6 million of your fellow Jews...simply because you hate have the world today teetering on the brink of mass destruction because your religion is one BIG WMD. Brag all you want to about cars and spaceships and clothes...without a soul or a drop of Assyrian charity what good are they? People who make a religion out of ghastly crimes will eventually kill us've been killing your own from the very beginning. You must know something the rest of us are only beginning to are leeches on the backs of won't last much longer. The only issue is can the rest of us disengage ourselves from your "envious" lifestyle before you take us with you as well? > >The rest of the world, the WESTERN Christian and Jewish world, is leaving you dweebs behind. Catch up sometime, OK? seems you aren't advanced enough to think of your own words. ...well you bragged about bragged about eating bugs and bragged about your brag about human sacrifice and cannibalism and vampirism...I don't see anything of any humanitarian benefit to catch up with. You've been taking Civilization to the pawn shop bit by bit for millenia's a testament to the size and greatness of what we left you that you STILL have so much left over to trash. When you cut a forrest down to make washing are missing an essential bit of wisdom you people never understood. You will either be stopped forcibly or the planet that nurtured Assyrians will rebel against you. When we say "envious lifestyle" you dummies think we ENVY you...we mean you people are sick with envy and have been ever since the days we used you to clean the streets of BetNahrain with. ...People whom you think aspire for your goods have been brought to such a low point because you people made their independent existence a hell on'd be surprised at the increasing number of people who have no wish to live like think all the immigrants to the West CHOSE to leave their own countries? You think the Christians of Iraq today CHOOSE to leave Iraq? For the last several centuries you Jews in all your disguises have been murdering people and each other all OVER this hardly have allowed a corner to brought us TWO world wars...not Muslims but YOU "superior" people...and today you're murdering innocent people in Iraq and BRAGGING about that doubt in several decades you'll all talk about how Iraqis were PLEADING to get into much so that they even went so far as to move to Jordan and live in tents for ten eager were they to get that much CLOSER to the United States. By then you will have re-written history...your only real talent, to make the murder of Iraq it's "liberation". Iraqis were never so miserable till America arrived. You murder everywhere you go but write the history books as well. Nothing lasts...nothing. If the glory of Ashur can be lost...your's is sure to collapse. > >-Paul --------------------- |
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