Re: Dear Pancho |
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- Saturday, March 12 2005, 23:02:07 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Pancho wrote: really must try to pay attention when you read..I said we know you...even though we don`t know YOU`re a type...a product...not a free wheeling human bean. >>>If You consider yourself to be a free human being(or as you prefer to write it bean),then why not others.You want to convince yourself that you know my type that is fine,I know your type as well. ..the cursing is to pop the cherry on so called Assyrians who take great pride in being polite...while they`re getting the shit kicked out of`s also a way of finding out what`s important to the people reading..those who are interested in content easily get past the cussing...the rest stop there and so much the better...who needs them for anything? >>> You always think that by cursing you're making a point,which you're not. You haven't written any thing yet which has substance. I write for myself...I could give a shit what anyone thinks or who reads or doesn`t. Writing is thinking out forces me to arrange random thoughts and what seem to be inspired moments...but on reflection turn out not to be...Dorothy Parker said the successful writer will learn to kill his darlings..and she was right. >>> Here,I agree with you,keep thinking out loud perhaps then you will try to make sense of what you're writing and thinking because I don't know what kind of thoughts arranging you're doing since you're mixing all sorts of history periods together and making a boushala out of them. ...they all say that. It`s amazing how little time you people put into thinking about there are millions and milions just like you who also just happen to "indepently" believe the same things...which also oddly enough can be found coming out the mouth of any number of institutions..all of which claim they are designed with the "individual" in mind. >>> I people are have no idea how many times the same trite put-downs have been made...I do it on purpose...just so we can see how eager you people are to grasp at any excuse that saves you from having to confrotn the actual`re only too relieved to get off on rudeness and helps you stave off the embarrassment of having nothing of your own to say about all the points raised that have nothing to do with cussing...I do it on purpose...shows you up better. >>> What points are you raising?I told you before your ideas are old. ...give it time...give it time. You`ve managed to pass over several points and stick to church propaganda when you aren`t scoilding someone for being rude...but we notice it. >>> You didn't make any points and you better brush on those ideas which you're trying to pass on. ..and you don`t and in your case as in the case of all you Christians we`ve seen it is most definitely a front. Paul Younan was a perfect example of you sweet and polite you`d swear he was ready for sainthood...then he turned and we saw what he was made of all along...I`m a very jolly`d be surprised...but I don`t like liars...and I especially don`t like apologists and those who try to sweet talk me...let`s stick to the record of the Church Militant..which is where we started..never mind how nice I am. >>> You're mixing church history,east with west and as such you're doing the same thinking as muslims.When some one is christian they don't care whether that person comes from the east or west they label every one as infidel,and you're following the same example.I write to you about the christians who lived in the east and who suffered at the hands of arab and other muslims and you bring in the romans,jesuits,etc. ...nice try. Like I`s all been said and tried will be gone soon...if for no other reason than that you will have shot your much church history can anyone many calls to be nice and fair? We`re talking substance here and that`s something none of you can abide for long. >>> Oh please LOL.You should take your own advice because I'm waiting for some substance when you find it write it down. >In all that time I and maybe some others will be pecking away at the cement block you depend on for your thoughts..or rather the tape recorder set on automatic replay and kicked up your arse as a kid. > >>>> Bravo ... Bravo. ...thank you. >>> You're welcome.`re the other kind of idiot..the kind who didn`t get it right the first time and had to be reborn...try again. >>> LOL ... Reborn again??? Nice try but nope you didn't get it.It's cool not all of us have to be smart as you are :) >>>> There's nothing for me to crumble about because so far you haven't brought to my attention any thing new so far. can I when you skip over it all? >>> As I said you keep repeating the same thing over and over.I want your ideas and not those of muslims. >Till later .... Watch :) ...okay. >>> Good. --------------------- --------------------- |
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