Re: Free Saddam |
Posted by
St. Me
- Thursday, October 21 2004, 0:49:55 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
parhad wrote: >St. Me wrote: >>It is simple, but you will never understand. > >...he was the poster boy of America so long as he terrorized the people we wanted him to. It seems you will never understand. The world has been asked and it has said that Israel is the number one threat to world peace..and Israel is nothing without the United States. okay... > > > Saddam WAS a threat to OUR security. > > >...never. Bush is a threat to our security. Saddam didn't do a damn thing to us....none of your hyperventilated fears and paranoia are getting you people anywhere....Americans know better. Never a threat? quit smoking that lala > > All you liberals won't know anything about that. > > you people never get tired of these liberal games of your's? We know Saddam was an ally of the United States and remained so until he displeased them...the United States armed both him and the Taliban and Osama is a business partner of the Bush family. Give it up. > games? you don't even know how the game is played jerky. Where do you get the Taliban and Osama is a business partner with the Bush family? If you can prove it... I will stand corrected...but I am confident you won't be able to prove it. I'll put your pigeons on it pecker. > All you can do is fight with your big mouths and that's it. You will never fight for your country, but you will walk around promoting peace through violent protests hhhmmmmmmm. > > >...please don't jerk of while you write. The Protests turn violent because someone is carrying guns and mace and batons and cuffs....the peace demonstrators don't begin it and we all know the cops plant agents provacateours in the crowd....grow up. We don't beat people up in alleys..we indeed fight with our mindfs, brains and do the killing. > I won't jerk off when I write..I will jerk off when I down load your picture that Paul put up and spoogy all over it so I can have it like the pigeons doodoo all over you. > By the way you liberals definition of peace is surrender. No thank you. You libs just keep on talking your smack while the real men defend your right to talk smack. > > >...wuss. > > If it was up to me, I would like to throw you girlymen or some of you metrosexualls in the front lines so it can toughen you up a bit. What do you think? > >...I think you and I should meet...I think if you could stand it I'd show you a thing or two....why do you hide behind fake names oh wonderman? wuss? Listen, I am not hiding my name because I fear you. I wouldn't want to meet you in a hostile matter honestly. I trained with the Muchado's at their academy for three years and at the Gracie academy for one year prior. Not bragging mind you. This is serious stuff we do. It wouldn't be a good idea for me to get in a physical contact with you. We swore to refrain from any confrontation unless it is in a ring and for fun. So easy with the's not productive for you or me. Not to say I won't defend myself, but thats all it would be just to defend myself just for the record. > > >...none of your nonsense changed anything or put weapons where they weren't. There is simply no legal pretext to try Saddam for anything. Henry Kissinger is the most wanted war criminal the world knows besides Pinochet...and he walks free. > >Free Saddam. logic? Free all the criminals and dictators since Penochet is free in a eastern European country. Riminder that Saddam was given a chance to leave and go into another Muslim country. He refused because the traitors France told him Don't worry we got your back jack hussain. Wake up crack head! --------------------- |
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