Re: Free Saddam |
Posted by
St. Me
- Wednesday, October 20 2004, 18:45:57 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
It is simple, but you will never understand. Saddam WAS a threat to OUR security. All you liberals won't know anything about that. All you can do is fight with your big mouths and that's it. You will never fight for your country, but you will walk around promoting peace through violent protests hhhmmmmmmm. By the way you liberals definition of peace is surrender. No thank you. You libs just keep on talking your smack while the real men defend your right to talk smack. If it was up to me, I would like to throw you girlymen or some of you metrosexualls in the front lines so it can toughen you up a bit. What do you think? parhad wrote: >Now that we know there were no that we know there were no nuclear that chemical weapons never that Kofi Annan has said the war on Iraq was that he has said this war made the world a more dangerous that gas is selling for one dollar more a gallon than it was a year that all the excuses for this oily war have been shown to be false and the murder of so many Iraqis completely indefensible....why are we holding Saddam in jail? > >Just what crime did he commit that no other head of state has been guilty of? His war on Kuwait was far less an offense than the Vietnam War or the Korean War....and the many millitary operations America conducted in Latin America far outstrip whatever wrongs or violence Saddam committed. Are we pissed at him because he killed his own people? Does that justify us in going there and killing even more of them...not to mention gutting the economy??? > >Just what awful crime is Saddam guilty of that Bush isn't??? --------------------- |
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