The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Just for curiosity only !

Re: Just for curiosity only !
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Friday, June 24 2005, 23:46:48 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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...okay. You people never ask yourselves what you'll achieve if you ALL unite and you ALL vote for your candidate of choice...all you do is yammer about how important it is to vote.

..if there was a small minority in America, let's say all the Apaches left..and they united and decided to all vote for whatever Apache candidate running for office on a "Get Back Apache land" platform...where would it get them?

...either you don't understand the basic workings of democracy and a Republic...or you just don't understand.

...either you people stop this profiling stuff and become citizens of Iraq and NOT of a Christian Assria in your dreams...or you remain insignificant non-players...and as such, who really cares if you are united or not? What possible difference can it make? All you're demanding is that Christians in Iraq marginalize themselves they won't lose their "Assyrian" identity...when you all mean CHRISTIAN anyway. You would HATE to see Christians lay aside this Assyrian bullshit and participate in Iraqi society and government as Iraqi citizens and no more...just that, just citizens of Iraq, voting for whomever has the best program for the country and it's people as a whole.

This is the only way you have of "keeping the identity alive"...the CHRISTIAN identity!


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