Re: Kanna uses common sense |
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- Thursday, October 21 2004, 23:00:26 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Shlame Tiglath, Earlier on when the e-Petition juggernaut started I post the article below to show my concerns with such a move. So I am posting it here so that it will shed a little bit of light on what I was trying to say about Mr. Kanna rejecting the proposed "safe heaven". I still do not see the logic in demanding a safe heaven. That is fatalistic when you think that Uncle Sam will pave the road for you and that you should be treated different than the rest of the Iraqis. Regards, Fil ==== Petitioning the US Gov. (WHAT COMES FIRST?) Posted By: Fil ( Date: Wednesday, 22 September 2004, at 7:32 a.m. From the Post “Press release (AUA): I quote from brother Ashur: “and today the role of the Diaspora organizations may be more effective than that of those who are working in Iraq.” A quote from sister Nineve: “those who claim to be representing this tortured nation will finally realize that their allegiance should be to their nation and not to strangers.” ************ At the risk of sounding negative at the pinnacle of excitement (the hoopla about the petition) the above two statement are profoundly accurate. It is a wonderful thing to knock on the doors of the world to announce that we exist and we need to be heard. It is even more effective to shout to let the world know that we are being robbed of what small rights we have had in Iraq. Iraq is not the only place where this is taking place. Iran, Turkey and to a certain extent Syria and Lebanon. In this petition we are calling on Uncle Sam to secure our rights and a piece of geography in Iraq. Assuming that the United States is able (and they are by sheer fire power they can make it happen) but the question remains for How Long? Will they protect us for next 10, 50 one hundred years? I will leave it up to you to answer that question. Now to the statement of brother Ashur. The Diaspora organizations are more effective in carrying our voice across the free world communities. This petition is a great try in pressing our issues with a superpower country. A petition like this should go to the rest of world wide. But the first country it should go to is the Government of IRAQ. This brings us to Nineve’s statement which talks about representation and allegiance. I do not remember seeing our representatives in Iraq standing up (in their own country) to either let the rest of the groups know that what is taking place is not acceptable nor have I heard of any demands for self rule of any enclave. So the question is how will the rest of the groups in Iraq look upon us for having to engage the help of the United States to forge a small piece of our own? A question: What if the United States does not deliver on this. Will there be calls of betrayal? I am sure there are answers to this. After all there were discussion and decisions taken by the AANF to safe guard the success of this mission and counter act any negative fall out. I would be interested in hearing it. Forgive me for thinking this way. I, in no way, want to burst the bubble of this US wide campaign. I know Canada has been doing this for over a year now. However, Canada does not have the same weight and policies as the USA. I sincerely wish us success and a brighter future. Fil === --------------------- |
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