Re: Latest from Zinda |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 11 2005, 10:52:16 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Are u serious about this or is this some kind of joke? If they are responsible for these deaths then why on earth would they want to help them, does it make sense to kill a group people and then help the same people? ****Mr Chibo suggested the [Australian] government needed to remove its troops from Iraq and provide economic assistance to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure. Why do u think the aussie troops are in iraq, they are there to protect the people rebuilding iraqs infrastructure. The role of the ADF in iraq is to protect the japanese engineers rebuilding iraq. Iraq is in anarchy now and there are kinappings going on by all kinds of ppl and anyone that is going to assist in rebuilding iraq will only go if they have proper security. Yeah sure iraq wouldnt be in this state if american didnt go in and turn in upside down. But it has happened and Australia is there helping rebuild iraq. Im sure u are aware that Australia has a very small Defence Force which is used for its own protection incase an attack does befall us and this protection will only be sufficient until our allies come to our aid. The main role of the Australian Defence Force is to assist in relief missions such as protecting the engineers rebuilding iraq. ****He also suggested that Chaldo-Assyrian refugees who had fled Iraq as a result of the [Australian] Government's actions should be granted special status. Now this is pretty funny. The majority of Chaldo-Assyrian refugees which have come to australia have been involved in some kind of criminal activity. Yeah we have some real good Chaldo-Assyrians who work hard for the country that has taken them in and sheltered them and given them refugee. However, the majority are still involved in crime or gang warfare while the rest just sit back with 8 kids and claim their centerlink money. I cant beleive u expect the Australian Government to grant the Chaldo-Assyrians special status. well everyone is allowed their opinion, after all this is australia and even ridiculous requests are considered. --------------------- |
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