Re: Meet the Revolutionaries |
Posted by
- Friday, October 22 2004, 3:56:32 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
You are so fucking blind it's pathetic. The US has opposed/sabotages/removed liberal governments in the middle east for over 50 years. Read a book! p.s. I think that most of your stupidity isn't even worthy of response, and I'm going to try to respond less and less to your bullshit. .................................. St. Me wrote: >“The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow—and they will win.” >-- Michael Moore, 4/14/04 > >Allow me to introduce you to the Iraqi freedom fighters that Mike admires so much. > > >Foreign Muslim militants from across the Arab world have appeared in a chilling video tape which claimed they carried out some of the bloodiest bombings in Iraq since the war ended. > >The tape obtained by Time magazine and given to Reuters Television shows young men enraged by the U.S. occupation of Iraq saying farewell to their loved ones before climbing into vehicles and blowing themselves up in operations across Iraq. > >The U.S. military and senior Iraqi officials have said for months that foreign fighters have played a major role in bombings and shootings that have killed thousands of people and destabilized the country. > >But they have produced little tangible evidence. Muslim militant groups have previously claimed responsibility for attacks on Web Sites which are impossible to verify. > >In the video, Muslim militants in headdresses clutching rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 assault rifles stand in the desert late at night as one of their ranks engages in what appears to be a pre-suicide bombing ritual. > >He reads a statement telling his father, mother, brother and loved ones that he will miss them after he performs his duty to wage holy war. > >Abu Harith al-Dosari, whose accent sounded Saudi, then climbs up into a large fuel truck and points to a electric cord that he will use to detonate a large bomb. > >Footage then shows him driving to Baghdad’s Kathimiya bridge, where the truck explodes into huge balls of fire. >The insurgents in Iraq are not freedom fighers or revolutionaries or Minutemen. They are foreign terrorists who practice an idelogy that is an amalgam of fascism and 11th century extremist Islam. They have come into Iraq to prevent the United States and the other members of the coalition from establishing a free and democratic Iraq. The Islamists know what is at stake. As they stated recently, the US plan is >to build an Iraqi state as conceived by the United States...and enslave Saudi Arabia politically, fight against Islamic proselytism as a salafist and jihadic movement.” > >“This would be (for the US) the first step toward the eradication of hardline Islam in the entire world,” it said. >The terrorists know what is at stake, and they know that this has nothing to do with oil or empires or corporate hegemony. It is a battle between good ane evil, between freedom and fascism. The left really needs to start asking itself what side it is actually on. --------------------- |
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