Re: One a serious note |
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St. Me
- Saturday, October 23 2004, 2:42:15 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Oil-for-Food Scandal Key to CIA Report Monday, October 18, 2004 PHOTOS VIDEO PHOTO ESSAYS Click image to enlarge Photo Essays:•Iraqi Oil Industry Under SaddamSTORIES BACKGROUND •Raw Data: Delve Deeper Into Oil-for-Food•U.N. Responds to Oil-for-Food Special•Group Responds to FOX Oil-for-Food Story•French Blast Oil-for-Food Charge•CIA Details Oil-for-Food Scam•House Holds Hearings on Oil-for-Food•Oil-for-Food Probe Includes Annan's Son•U.N. to Use Oil-for-Food Revenue for Probe•Watching the U.N. Oil-for-Food Watchdog•U.N. Meets Amid Suspicion, Sour Sentiment•Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in U.N. Oil-for-Food Program•Did Terrorists Benefit From Oil-for-Food?•Iraqi People Suffered Under Oil-for-Food Scam•Early Warning Not Heeded on Oil-for-Food•Oil-for-Food Scandal Draws Scrutiny to U.N.•Saddam's List of Preferred Companies •Iraqi Oil-for-Food Official Killed•Volcker Confident About Oil-for-Food Probe•Iraqis: U.S. Officials Stalling 'Oil-for-Food' Probe•U.N. Audit Found Early 'Oil-for-Food' Problems NEW YORK — The U.N. Oil-for-Food program — already the subject of federal, congressional and United Nations financial abuse probes — took a fresh hit with an explosive new report that said Saddam Hussein was using the program to fund his ambitions. The report by Charles Duelfer — the special CIA adviser looking into whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction — found that Saddam was able to "subvert" the $60 billion U.N. program to generate an estimated $1.7 billion in revenue outside U.N. control from 1997-2003. In light of the report, FOX News presents another hour-long special investigating the biggest financial scam in modern history. Learn more about the Duelfer report by reading it for yourself through the links below: • Click here to read the report's key findings (pdf). • Click here to read Vol. 1 of the report (pdf). • Click here to read Vol. 2 (pdf). • Click here to read Vol. 3 (pdf). For details about how the program operated as well as the investigations taking place to determine what happened to the money, read through this series of recent articles. Click on the highlighted headlines below to read the full stories. Oil-for-Food Scandal Draws Scrutiny to U.N. The roots of the Oil-for-Food scandal date back to 1991, when a U.N.-backed and U.S.-led coalition expelled Saddam from Kuwait following his hostile takeover of the neighboring country. Although Saddam lost the war, he walked away with important victories — he got to stay in power in Iraq and he ultimately got to pocket millions, if not billions, of dollars. Read more here. Early Warning Not Heeded on Oil-for-Food The United Nations first tried a series of sanctions to make Saddam bend to its will following the successful 1991 war to oust him from Kuwait. Then it attempted to find a way for Iraqi citizens to get needed medicine and other supplies through the sale of Iraqi oil — an approach that failed. Read more here. Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in Oil-for-Food Buried in some of the United Nations' own confidential documents are clues that a link could have existed between Saddam and the Al Qaeda terror group — clues leading to a locked door in a Swiss lakeside resort. Read more here. Did Terrorists Benefit From Oil-for-Food? U.S. Treasury officials have already identified 11 front companies and nearly 200 Iraqi-controlled firms that they suspect were part of Saddam's secret and illegal network. They say that's only the tip of the iceberg. Read more here. Iraqi People Suffered Under Oil-for-Food In the Saddam era, Baghdad's Al Rashid Hotel was the main stop on the Oil-for-Food tour. Regime-friendly types would stay there when visiting Baghdad. They'd stop and say hello to Saddam or a crony, snag a voucher good for a load of Iraqi crude and, conveniently enough, there were oil traders in the lobby of that hotel who could turn those vouchers into cash. Read more here. Watching the U.N. Oil-for-Food Watchdog The Al Mada weekly in Iraq published a list of the names of some 270 people and organizations that purportedly received Oil-for-Food vouchers from Saddam. One of those names was the same as the last name of the U.N. official who ran the Oil-for-Food program. Read more here. parhad wrote: >St. Me wrote: >>Their comes a time when one has to look all around him and truly find it in himself to realize that life is a wonderful thing nad freedom is a gift. But freedom has a price. Please click and go to the trailer. Give it a few seconds to load. > >...this "freedom has a price" has been used by you people to deny countless people of THEIR freedoms at an awful price to the rest of us. It's the price YOU make people pay for maintaining the freedoms you would rob them of. Iraqis had freedom on their own terms till you charged the American people three trillion dollars to rob them of it and then you attacked our Constitution as another "price" we now had to pay to be "free"....and DON'T give me Saddam scandals..he was America's ally and poster boy for all the years you needed him to make other people pay the price for THEIR freedom. > >You use this phrase as yet another lie and dodge hoping people will hand over their wallets....Mafia hoods also had a "price" you had to pay if you didn't want your windows you could be "free" to run your business....that is all this Freedom pricetag means to you people...we are being forced to pay a high price or else you'll set more "Terrorists"...trained and supplied by you...on our heads. > >It's soon to be over. >> >> >> --------------------- |
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