Re: Phone calls in the middle of the night.... |
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- Monday, June 6 2005, 16:51:32 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Tiglath wrote: >People from Europe have been calling people from Sydney and they've been calling me and asking me all sorts of questions. What are you doing? They keep exclaiming are you going to give up one of our own to Sunnis? > >I tell them what I tell Ken and all the AUA. If as a result of your selfish actions in seeking a homeland - against the democraticaly wishes of our people in Iraq - you cause harm to befall our innocent people, I will flay Joseph's skin brand him with the word CIA and post it on all the Sunni sites as a warning for others. > >Then I will turn my attention to the AUA. > >To John and Carlo......I have you home addresses and once I get the home addresses of all the Assyrians who die as a result of your actions I will be sending them a letter explaining what who did where and what happened as a result. I will also attach your photos and a map showing how their grieving relatives can quickly get to your homess to thank you personally. > >I don't make threats I make promises. ..ah...those phone calls in the night...Jeff got a few from Iraq too...but no one wants to call me... --------------------- |
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