The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Renda vs. Spai

Re: Renda vs. Spai
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 18:31:19 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Well Jeff I was lucky enough to be born into a family where all dialects of our Nation are spoken, since I have herritage from Alqosh, Jeelo, and Mardin (Tur Abdin). I felt like promoting the dialect of Alqosh on that last is great really. We don't all have to say spy to be Assyrian, or do you think otherwise?

Dalale wrote:
>@@@@Look who it is..Shlamalokh..Dekhiwet???...Randa??? ..Ufff.. I love the dialect of Alqosh......pshena pshena...

I just have to say, that so many Assyrians don't know Randa from Brenda! They are all about Spai spy spy. What's the deal with that?


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