Re: Sainty, Tell me if this is true or not... |
Posted by
St. Me
- Friday, October 22 2004, 18:01:37 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Doped on Jesus Christ wrote: >Doesn't this remind of something that Malcom X said; roaster is coming home? > >This Operation Northwood strategies/plot/propaganda reminds me of the LIES U.S. and allies(U.K.) stirred to attack IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN. > >Don't you think? You mentioned in previous posts on how the insurgents, Muslim Brothers, Wahibis, Zarquwi's bum rushed into Iraq and started fighting the Iraqi's and the coalition. Let me ask you this? If these terrorist where not fighting the American troops in you think they would be at home leading productive lifes? Come on. Take the fight to the enemy. What's so hard about that? --------------------- |
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