Re: The Modern Bible.. |
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- Thursday, March 31 2005, 15:21:34 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Wonderer wrote: >Good for you,who cares what this James did? He was another anglo-saxon man who only cared of finding ways to satisfy his needs. > >He merits all the kind description which you gave but that has nothing to do with the contents of the Book. ...the contents of that mish mash of barbarisms and idiocies are of the same caliber as James...who was less a murderer than your god is. It is the same book you people use...the variations aren`t worth a is still a Jewish religion you think to foist onto Assyrians. There is nothing timeless or eternal in it..nothing new or edifying...the ancient Mesopotamians had a far better moral system and it shows in what they were inspired to do. The people who gave you your book believed in ritual human sacrifice..even the sacrifice of their OWN children...first-born sons had a precarioous existence back then..and Jesus was nothing more than the first born son of yahwe...who demanded he be killed just like Jewish kings would drag their own sons out to slit their throats whenever the going got rough and three bedouin showed up before "mighty" Israel to rattle their tin cups. ...All the New Testicle contains is the story of how a wonderful son is hounded by his axe weilding father and murdered...okay "sacrificed" you people LOVE symbolism... to cover the old man`s fuck ups...a god who when he couldn`t do anything right punished HIS creations instead of kicking his own ass round the block..this is holy? This is something for any decenet human bean to emulate? THIS is what Assyrians gave up Ashur for? Run along with you...go play on a freeway and GET to your fucking god already..why waste time here on earth? --------------------- |
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