The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: The old Kelley Ross article...

Re: The old Kelley Ross article...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 4:57:24 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Jeff wrote:
>"...The Forum about this came off as planned, called "Two Views on the Ancient Assyrians." While Mr. Parhad had promised us that the whole local Assyrian community would turn out for the event, no more than half a dozen people seemed to do so...."

..that`s too true...there were more Jews in attendence than Assyrians..but then they kept their god and have nothing to be ashamed of.

,,,the community was certainly I stood in the hotel lobby for three nights to collect signatures and also spoke at the picnic telling people about it...and when the date was set we contacted all the local clubs and was a double victory in a sense...we finally confronted one of these dweebs...dragged his ass before the college president, a delightful and powerful Black woman who began our interview by looking Ross dead in the eyes and saying SHE did not appreciate his put downs of those who suggested Cleopatra might have had African blood and a few other views he`d spread like manure, like we Darkies were invading HIS turf...we got a college administration to listen to us...something only the JDL manages to do so far...they set a date for the debate..and the rest was up to the "Assyrians" who are going to Iraq any day to confront people they can`t spell and get BACK their pubic triangle..but couldn`t bother to drive across town for what had to be a first of its kind..the whole mood of apathy was typified by Hanna Hajjar who said to me..."why should I support you..what have you done for me"`s that for "national work".

..the second victory was, of course, showing us just what kind of watered down piss we`re made of. Am I attacking anyone? Do I "hate" "Assyrians..or just these jackasses that are using our good name...I`m the one who HAULED his ass before the Law...what kind of "hate" is that?
>For more information, see


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