Re: Think outside the bush... |
Posted by
Kris K.
- Thursday, October 21 2004, 5:01:55 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: This is my Statement. |
Awesome Bumper Stickers.... 1. Bush: Dumb as a stump, ugly as a shrub. 2. Kerry 2004. Stay out of the Bushes! 3. Shave the Bush this November! 4. Vote for Kerry, figure out why later! But Vote!!! 5. Vote Kerry. He Sucks Less. 6. Vote Bush: 4 more wars! 7. Dick + Bush = Fucked 8. My kid is an HONOR STUDENT at (enter school here) And therefore smarter than Florida voters 9. My Children, My Money & My Job are in the Middle East. 10. My job's in India, my kid's in Iraq, & my money's in Saudi Arabia. 11. Zero CARB (Cheney Ashcroft Rumsfeld Bush) 12. No More Bush-it 13. Who needs tall buildings? - vote Bush! 14. "Give me another term and I'll give you Bin Laden... or someone else to blame" 15. America is like 69, better without the Bush 16. Bush/Cheney 1984: War is Peace 17. Abstinence in 2004: No Bush No Dick St. Me want one? --------------------- |
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