Re: Uniquely Christian |
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- Tuesday, October 19 2004, 19:35:35 (CEST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
St. Me wrote: >Paul Younan wrote: >>Despite Parhad's insistance on reducing it to "self-sacrifice", the fact remains clear. The Christian religion is the only religion which portrays the Creator sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation. doesn't show that at shows the father god killing his own the Jew kings used to do when times got tough. You can mix and match Jesus into God and ghosts and doves all you want to...clearly it's all pagan crap...right? The fact remains that no one improved anyway so it was for all the other animal sacrifes...they just got really desperate and deicded to kill GOD'S SON for a change...just as they believed that when an attacking army witnessed the extreme desperation of a Jew king killing his OWN firstborn son on the walls of Jerusalem...the invading army would tremble in fear at the scope of the sacrifice. You're still squatting on a dunghill of the mind. >>That is what is unique to Christianity. No other religion portrays God in the same manner. Let me state it again: Christianity is the only religion EVER which tells us that God sacrificed Himself for us. ...he did not. It is absurd. You might as well say Donald Trump became ONE OF US because he came down from his tower to panhandle for ten was a sham...Jesus was a god..if he wanted to pretend and dress up like a mortal...he still wasn't being killed for was a game..a trick played out by that arch Trickster of all time. ...Besides which you can't explain why sacrifing "for us" would make us any sure as hell didn't improve YOU still support an illegal war in which countless innocent people have also been "sacrificed"...once you feed on human blood and the murder of Innocents, you can never get enough....if eternity is worth murder certainly petroleum is too. >> >>If Parhad can point to another religion which has a substantially similiar concept as its core, then I would be interested in hearing about it. is of NO value..this core you're so happy with. It means signifies more than if a goat had its throat slit for "you". In abbatoirs all over the world animals are being "sacrifiecd for you" daily with you drinking up their blood in the sauce and gravy as is a butcher's religion that appeals to you for some strange reason. In the meantime, he asked me what is unique to Christianity...and that is what is unique to Christianity....not "self-sacrifice", but a God who sacrificed Himself for us. ...this is crap you buy wholesale....I might as well be hearing from a fire-worshipper of 3000 years ago. This fairy tale you've bought at face value is something to be ashamed of, not proud of. It is your peculiar sickness that gets all wet because a GOD sacrificed himself for you. grow up. ...besides which believing in the sacrifice of Jesus is NOT enough!!! On its own it will NOT get you the eternal reward that has so discombubolated you all...the reward of eternal life will come ONLY if you eat the sacrificial victim and drink his blood. You know that and are too embarrassed to put it down in writing. The Yucharist is the REQUIIRED matter how fervently you believe the rest of the crap and even if you behave as an exemplary follower of Ashur...who never asked such disgusting things of his "bloody" will NOT get into heaven unless you play at two of the greatest crimes the world has ever known...cannibalism and's that for a religion of "love"? >> >>Watch him do his little dance..... ...I rely on Reason...there is no dance. The one who has to dance is the one who insists pigs must be flying on Mars right now because I can't PROVE they are not. Who's tap dancing himself silly? >> >>-Paul > > >I can't wait for this one. Its's going to be interesting. ....enjoy. --------------------- |
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