Re: Uniquely Christian |
Posted by
- Tuesday, October 19 2004, 19:04:28 (CEST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...idiot. You could as easily say the goat or ox "sacrifices" himself for us by having his throat slit. Love is NOT is love. When you lose sleep all night staying awake with your ill child you are not SACRIFICING your sleep! You are LOVING your are doing what Love asks does NOT ask for sacrifice...bloodletting or the rest of it. This is the sickness you Jews picked up because you were made to bleed so often you decided to make it a way of showing your "love", like the sheepshit encrusted hill of yours became a "chosen" land for you alone when no one in his right mind ever wanted the fucking place! you all learned to LOVE bugs and honey cause you couldn't cook a meal to save your lives. Jesus was MURDERED...he no more CHOSE to get killed than Socrates both cases the men showed their love and humanity and GOT killed..they didn't "live to die"!!! This is nothing more than treating a human like Jews had treated doves, ox, sheep and goats...slitting their throats and "purifying" themselves with the is disgusting and unbecomming in the extreme..not a goddamned thing of any value has remained to us from those old bloody days...not a damn thing from the Jews at least..all their ideas about how to build a toilet..make jewelry, write...heal the sick.,...operate on the hyuman body...sanitaion...water a damn thing from back then invented by the most pig ignorant people of their day has survived or is of any use today...and none of it would you choose to live by today..yet you jackasses assert in all seriousness that THOSE people figured out "morality"...lord bless you!!! You are a slight... envious your Jews were back then..still railing in frustration and jealousy at the people of Ashur who wiped the streets with you then and continue to do so today....even with only a handful of us to begin the task all over again. --------------------- |
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