Re: Uniquely Christian |
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- Thursday, October 21 2004, 1:35:37 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >Your challenge was for me to show what was unique about Christianity. This I have done. first stated self-sacrifice was unique to you....hardly. Now you come with Jesus WANTED to be killed and eaten....fine, add that to the list of sick ideas you people promote....have it your way....your prophet WANTED to be killed and eaten....what a marvelous improvement that is. I meant all along that he would have to be one would go so far as accuse you people of eating a LIVING human bean...this is the reason we don't allow you people near the Legislature any longer...when a human these days says he wants to be killed and cannibalized....we lock him up and anyone getting to him and killing him first goes straight to jail...not paradise. It matters not at all to the Law that the person you murdered WANTED you to do it...but have it your way...Jesus was one sick Fuck who thought he could do some good by getting killed....that is unique I'll grant you....and you can add it to the other crimes...those of cannibalism and vampirism. Like I said...Christianity is born in murder, cannibalism and vampirism...that YOU want to call this "LOVE" only indicates what this kind of religion can do to people. Unless you can show another religion that has its God sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation, I've answered you and you should be honest to yourself and the rest of us and admit what the rest of us already know. ...Like I said several can accept and believe that Jesus died for you...but if you refuse to eat and drink don't get into heaven...therefore as the very center and cornerstone of your religion requires you to eat and drink a human...regardless of how he got deaded....I still say that the single most unique characteristic of your religion is this eating and drinking human offal's too much to expect, even of you savages, that you'd eat the guy while still alive. My question gave you the benefit of the doubt...I ASSUMED you'd kill him before chowing down. If it's any consolation to you your god was also insane. Happy? --------------------- |
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