Re: Uniquely Christian |
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- Thursday, October 21 2004, 3:55:05 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >Parhad, > >Your inquiry was regarding the uniqueness of Christianity. Your question was what, exactly, sets Christianity apart from all other religions. The Christian religion is the only religion which portrays the Creator sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation. ...there you go again...I don't care how you PORTRAY yourselves. Neither you nor I know what Jesus SAID..let alone whether he lived or was crucified and whether or not he WANTED to be. These are in the same category as the rest of your nonsense....but is a FACT that your priests TODAY want you to eat a corpse...and that if you don' matter HOW much garbage from 2000 years ago or 20,0000 years ago you are willing to will NOT get the GOODS! Can you not see the difference between fact and fantasy any longer? > >Putting aside your senseless ramblings and myriad of rhetorical nonsenses, I'm still waiting for you to come up with another religion with the same central core. ...that is NOT its core..that is its PORTRAYAL of "a core". By implication the use of the word "core" means SUBSTANCE. For you to put forth your fantastical claims about pigs wanting to be eaten on Mars is not SUBSTANCE! It's like telling me some miracle is REAL and actually happened because it is PORTRAYED in a history book. The miracle is not REAL..the portrayal of it as real is REAL...the claimed miracle is STILL nonsense...what the history book does is RECORD an assertion of nonsense...history books do that all the time!!! ...I knew already all about how your church PORTRAYS itself...I'm not interested in that..I was asking you about a do not PORTRAY your priests as saying you must eat and drink actually SAY IT!!! Can you see the difference yet? > >If you cannot, then have to decency to concede the point, and we can move along to your other inquiry regarding the sacramental mysteries. ...there isn't anything to concede. It doesn't matter how you people PORTRAY yoursellves..why on earth would I argue..and how could I? What would I say..."no, you people do NOT portray Jesus as a god"??? Of course I know you do...that isn't the POINT!!! ...I asked what your core beliefs ARE...not how you PORTRAY them. You have absolutely no proof that Jesus said anything of the kind....and without any proof what the hell would I be arguing??? Like I said, YOU are the one who has to prove he exists...not me. YOU have to prove pigs fly on Mars if you are going to state that they do....I don't have to prove they don't. ...There is no way you can prove Jesus existed or said any of the things you attribute to him...why the hell would I ask you for PROOF then? I asked you to discuss what we know of your church for SURE! of course we know "for sure" that it claims Jesus was blah blah and the hell would I "argue" that? I didn't ask for a recitation of your creed or whacky beliefs...there is no need for me to challenge this fantasy of is YOUR job to prove it....and you can't. I challenged what is PROVABLE. I can prove your church wants you to eat people...I can prove it using their own words...that being the case, I wanted you to discuss address the fact..the FACT that your church says you MUST eat Jesus or you don't get into heaven..what business have I got with how your church PORTRAYS itself!!! Honestly!!! You'd think it wouldn't take this long..what's it been, two months and get you to UNDERSTAND a simple question! > >Remember, you have two options: > >(A) Name another religion which portrays a God sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation, or ...I was NEVER interested in questioning your PORTRAYAL of yourselves...I wanted to discuss the FACTS about your church practises TODAY!!! > >(B) Concede the point that Christianity is unique in this aspect ...I'm not interested in your unique PORTRAYAL of I'm not interested in how Hottentots PORTRAY themselves...but if Hottentots and Christians say you MUST eat people..and say it TODAY and say it where I can KNOW I heard them say it..then I want to discuss THAT...not what a Hottentot hetman said or might have said 2000 years ago. See what I mean...religions make you stupid. One more question was never about how YOU portray yourselves...I wouldn't believe you if you said a Jew said Jesus said to vote Republican in 15 BC. I have no interest and never did have any in what you BELIEVE....I asked you about what you are TOLD TO DO TODAY. that??? > >Under any of the two scenarios above, we can move along to your inquiry regarding the Eucharist. Until that time, you can try to switch subjects with your rhetoric all you want, it's not going to work on me. ...I'm switching nothing...I still can't get you to address the core beliefs of your religion...the CORE beliefs..not whatever extraneous ones you PORTRAY Jesus as claiming. I don't believe and never did in ANY of the things you Jews said about him...I don't believe you in particular. I asked for CORE CORE CORE beliefs..that would mean those things I, me...farid parhad, can VERIFY!!! I KNOW you can't prove Jesus said anything...I'm asking you for what you and I too CAN prove...we can both PROVE that your church insists that no matter what other nonsense you may will NOT get into heaven without eating a corpse...PERIOD! I want to talk about what we KNOW...not what you believe!!! > >It's a simple answer, and I'll make your reply even simpler. Just say "A" and give the name of the religion. No need for a lengthy post. Or, say "B" - no need for a lengthy post. ...I never asked the question you are answering...I asked the one you won't answer even after two months and counting..this silly attempt to sidetrack me by changing topics won't work. I know what I asked...I knew it then and I know it now..I did NOT start out to argue your BELIEFS with you....argue whether Jesus said "eat me" or not, I asked you about EATING HIM!....I asked why these two FACTS form the core...the CORE, of your religion...and even then you've avoided answering that even IF what you claim Jesus wanted was STILL won't get into heaven without eating him....therefore, since eternal life is what you eat all this slop for, the things you MUST do to gain eternal life are the CORE priest will tell you you may skip cannibalizing Christ so long as you BELIEVE he wanted you can believe it or not, but you MUST eat and and drink him. Eating and drinking him are FACTS...we SEE you doing it....the other crap yopu keep pawning off on me isn't TANGIBLE....I can't "see" Jesus asking to be eaten..all I see is a priest DEMANDING that you eat him and HE tells me Jesus "said so"....2000 years ago. Sheeeeesh!!! > >If you do, I will proceed to your other misrepresentation of truth. Until that time comes, you're just playing games and I will have none of it. ...well why didn't you come out and say so? I've been asking you for weeks and you've been dodging...then all of a sudden you got real clever, for you...and snuck this other bullshit about your PORTRAYALS into the discussion...when I never asked you..."Gee paul, I don't accept the way your church PORTRAYS itself". That was never the last time....why are the CORE SOLID TANGIBLE VERIFIABLE and OPEN TO ANYONE TO HEAR AND QUESTION beliefs in cannibalism and vampirism CENTRAL to your religion? ...I could care less if it's Jesus you eat..or if he wanted you to..if he was selfish or a saint...I don't care about the MEAT. What I DO care to know is why a religion would choose two of the most condemned and disgusting crimes of all time as the CORE beliefs of its religion..and by CORE I mean the actual...not the "portrayed", beliefs of that religion. Sure...I could "concede" just to get you to move on...but I won't play games with you. You snuck something in to distract us all....something that has nothing to do with the central matters not AT ALL what YOU believe about yourselves...I want to know about what we KNOW..we don't know what Christ said..but we DO KNOW what your priests said this you get it yet? > >-Paul --------------------- |
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