Re: Uniquely Christian |
Posted by
St. Me
- Monday, October 18 2004, 3:49:06 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >Despite Parhad's insistance on reducing it to "self-sacrifice", the fact remains clear. The Christian religion is the only religion which portrays the Creator sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation. > >That is what is unique to Christianity. No other religion portrays God in the same manner. Let me state it again: Christianity is the only religion EVER which tells us that God sacrificed Himself for us. > >If Parhad can point to another religion which has a substantially similiar concept as its core, then I would be interested in hearing about it. In the meantime, he asked me what is unique to Christianity...and that is what is unique to Christianity....not "self-sacrifice", but a God who sacrificed Himself for us. > >Watch him do his little dance..... > >-Paul I can't wait for this one. Its's going to be interesting. --------------------- |
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