Re: Whenh are you going to learn |
Posted by
St. Me
- Friday, October 22 2004, 17:52:12 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
parhad wrote: >St. Me wrote: >>This is the best you can do. Did you not read that Richard Clark was the one who authorized the flights after the skies were opened again? What's a matter just because Ricky Martin was stuck on an airport it makes you sad? Remember Richard Clark was the terrorist Czar appointed by Clinton so was George Tenet head of the CIA appointed by Clinton. So with you’re washed up conspiracy theories. By the way...why should anyone sue anybody? What happened to your idea of freedom of speech hypocrite? Give me some more Fyrenhype lies as examples I will shoot out some facts. I’m waiting > > I said...if there was ONE inaccuracy all you neojerks would have sued in a minute. That tells us all we need know. There isn't a SINGLE inaccuracy in his film..not a one. I'm sure the eleven lawyers who screened the film for Miramax cut out several parts that Moore really wanted in there...but no one was taking any chances..if it wasn't absolutely true and unassailable...they wouldn't include it in the film...Miramax is a serious company with a lot of assets to protect...such a lawsuit would not only have hurt them financially but openned them up to all sorts of it's clear...whatever Moore says in that film is 100% ironclad...or else you'd have all hauled him into court so that anything you now say on the internet in a silly post of merely the same old same old Moore people lie and for good reason...the truth would set us free. >> >> --------------------- |
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