Re: did Bush scare em enough? |
Posted by
- Friday, October 22 2004, 17:25:28 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |'s common knowledge that your tactics are to lie and hope for the we now know Bush was lying and hoping for the count on weak headed people such as yourself to believe whatever they are told that warms their tummies without bothering to check further..if, as you all claim, Mooore was lying or even slightly inaccurate, there would have been a flurry of lawsuits against him...which is what you all were all going to EXPOSE his lies...but you never did...had you the slightest evidence that his claims were wrong you would have liked nothing more than to discredit the entire contents of his film by casting ONE shadow of doubt on any part of it...instead...and after making all this noise about his "lies" all reverted to putting out official sounding lies of your own...which is exactly what his film people lie all the time but never more than when you are responding with "real"'s real shit alright. Rather than challenge him in court..cost him a bundle AND the company that funded his film and put the fear of Lawsuits in any company or filmaker who dare ever again to "lie" about you people...rather than lay out these silly "facts" of your's before the public where they can be CHECKED rigorously, you go back to the same stale lies and feeble tactics that worked so well for you because most people think they can trust you. Every statement in Moore's film is true and right on...that's why not a one of you has even tried to mount a REAL and legal challenge in a courtroom...because your so called evidence would be open to examination...and then we'd see that like what you just wrote, it was merely more lies dressed up in that official looking way the Hoover Vacuum Institute taught you all to write in. Bush and his father and all his cronies were in business with the Bin Ladins and other Saudis...the SAME country and people who attacked us..that would be like finding out Roosevelt was in business with Hitler...a bit of a Like I said...your silly tactics are well known and were exposed beautifully in Moore's film...and if there was ANYTHING wrong putzes would have sued him in a MINUTE! milqetoast? --------------------- |
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